Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one of the most common pathologies in gynecological practice. In the modern world, the body of almost every woman is affected by many harmful factors that they often do not pay due attention to: chronic stress, overwork, environmental pollution, poor nutrition, and so on. All these factors affect the work of the reproductive system of a woman, very often causing disturbances in the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which, in most cases, results in the occurrence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Characteristic symptoms and treatments for uterine bleeding

The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract during the menstrual cycle cannot but disturb a woman. Patients often turn to gynecologists with similar complaints, and the root cause of which should be sought, first of all, in hormonal disorders. All dysfunctional uterine bleeding is divided into two main categories: ovulatory, that is, associated with ovulation, and anovulatory, resulting from hyperestrogenism and endometrial hyperplasia. Knowledge of the characteristic symptoms of pathology and correct diagnosis are key factors for the effective treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Uterine bleeding:

  • clinical presentation of dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • methods for diagnosing dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • treatment methods for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Clinical presentation of dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Clinical manifestations of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in most cases are determined by changes in the ovaries. Patients complain about:

  • the occurrence of acyclic bleeding after a long delay in menstruation - up to 6-8 weeks;
  • menometrorrhagia - very long and profuse menstruation;
  • bleeding often starts as moderate, gradually decreases in volume, then increases again and continues for a long time;
  • the characteristic symptoms of anemia and weakening of the body as a result of significant blood loss may occur.

Methods for diagnosing dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding includes the following laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • laboratory tests: clinical blood count and coagulogram;
  • functional diagnostic tests: measurement of basal temperature, calculation of the karyopyknotechisek index, determination of the symptoms of "pupil", "fern" and cervical mucus tension;
  • X-ray examination of the skull;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • determination of the content of reproductive hormones in the patient's blood plasma.


Methods of treating dysfunctional uterine bleeding

The treatment of patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease. Conservative therapy is prescribed in cases where, after diagnostic studies, information was obtained about the absence of endometrial hyperplasia. Such women are prescribed drugs that reduce the uterus and hemostatic drugs. Subsequently, the patients are selected a hormonal therapy regimen, taking into account the state of the hormonal background. The main goals of hormone therapy are the normalization of menstrual function, the prevention of rebleeding and the restoration of fertility. When a patient presents with bleeding, the issue of hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage is decided individually.

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