
Intimate contouring for men and women

Today, the correction of the external genitalia in both women and men is actively taking its place among the popular and, importantly, affordable procedures in the field of aesthetic medicine. The relatively young direction of contouring is fueled by the media propaganda of the image of the "ideal man". The fashion trends of wearing tight clothes do not go out of fashion. The widespread use of hair removal, simply put, has exposed what was previously not available to the public. What are the reasons for applying for the correction of intimate areas today?

Women are generally interested in:

  •  correction of the labia minora;
  •  large labia enlargement;
  •  clitoris enlargement;
  •  G-point increase

Men are unanimous in their wishes:

  •  an increase in the length and diameter of the penis;
  •  enlargement of the glans penis.

From a physiological point of view, the procedure of intimate contouring is justified and in demand when involutional changes in the anogenital zone appear in women.

Changes in the anogenital area in women include:

  • perineal ptosis (weakening of PFS);
  • decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • atrophy of the labia majora;
  • atrophic vaginitis;
  • clitoris size reduction;
  • sensitivity reduction;
  • delete a. Dorsalis clitoris.

The most common reason for patients to seek the services of dermatocosmetologists – lipodystrophy of the labia majora. The loss of tissue volume in the intimate area involves the introduction of a filler using a linear or pyramidal technique. On average, this procedure will require 10-20 ml of filler. An excellent drug for this area is Macrolane from the Restylane line, but it has not yet been registered in Ukraine, so Perlane is used.

The choice of technique depends on the degree of atrophy and the area of ​​injection. The procedure is well tolerated and less painful than, for example, in the face and neck. Depth of insertion of the filler – subcutaneously, but if necessary, deeper filling is also possible. As a treatment option for "stressful" Urinary incontinence perform parautral injection of the gel. Vaginal volume reduction with fillers can be offered as an alternative to colporraffia.

Clitoroplasty is performed when it is atrophied, to improve accessibility when it is stimulated. The essence of clitoroplasty is to fill the head and pocket of the clitoris with hyaluronic acid in order to increase the volume and enhance the sensitivity of the clitoris itself, as well as moisturizing and strengthening its hood. The drug is injected into the soft tissues under the frenulum of the clitoris, in the amount of 0.1-0.3 ml per "step", the injection technique – bolus, using a 25-27G needle.

As for male wishes, penis diameter enlargement can be carried out in the following ways: using own tissues (from the flap of the rectus abdominis muscle, flap from the serratus anterior muscle, lipofilling) and contouring with hyaluronic acid.

The filler is inserted with care into the space between the skin and the cavernous body after preliminary infiltration anesthesia and hydropreparation. It is possible to anesthetize the cavernous body itself, but due to the fact that its structure is of a delicate protein nature, any injury will lead to fibrosis.

Bellcontour and Gvisc preparations are intended for intimate contouring. They allow you to successfully work with those areas where previously neurosurgical correction was impossible.

In the period after intimate contouring, patients are advised to refrain from visiting saunas, sports activities, and sexual activity for three to four weeks.

In conclusion, a few reminders about possible complications when working with the intimate area.


  • about the likelihood of suppuration;
  • gel migration and fragmentation,
  • cavernous fibrosis due to violation of safety procedures for the introduction of the filler.

Of course, the intimate "beauty" cannot be compared with a healthy skin color, a toned, slender body and a happy glow of the eyes, and besides, you won’t show it to everyone you meet. But there is no limit to perfection! And a specialist who is comprehensively developed and enlightened about new trends will always have something to interest and please his clients. 

  • Comments (1)

    Лешунов Евгений#854
    31 июля 2016, 09:44

    Очень поверхностное описание процедуры, непонятно для кого оно - для врача или пациента. <br />Использован материал наших с профессором Я.А. Юцковской статей, но как то выборочными кусками. За 10 летнюю историю эстетической коррекции интимной области в нашей клинике Macrolane не использовался. И в условии того, что этот препарт снят с продажи, я думаю ясно почему. 20мл гиалуроновой килоты в большие половые губы?! Не думаю, что такое "верблюжье копыто" кого-то устроит. Такие объемы можно использовать только при липофиллинге.. <br />В целом спасибо, что просвящаете пациентов и врачей которые еще не знакомы с методом.<br />С уважением Лешунов Евгений

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