Candidiasis or thrush – This is a type of fungal vaginal infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It often occurs in many women during their lifetime.
Causes of candidiasis
Most women will develop this infection during the course of time. Candida albicans – this is a common type of fungus that is constantly present in small quantities in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract and on the skin of a person. As a rule, this fungus does not lead to disease. Candida and many other bacteria found in the vagina keep each other in balance. But sometimes the amount of Candida albicans increases, leading to a fungal infection.
This can happen if you:
- You are taking antibiotics for other infections. Antibiotics disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina, increasing the number of protective bacteria.
- Pregnant.
- You are overweight.
- You have diabetes.
The fungus is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, some men may experience itching and a rash on the penis after having sex with a partner who has thrush. Frequent vaginal fungal infections may indicate health problems.
Symptoms of thrush
- Abnormal vaginal discharge (slightly watery to thick white and cheese-like).
- Pain during intercourse.
- Painful urination.
- Redness and swelling of the vulva.
- Itching and burning in the vagina and labia.
Diagnosis of candidiasis
Pelvic exam in progress. During the examination, swelling or redness of the skin of the vulva, inside the vagina and on the cervix, as well as dry white dots on the walls of the vagina, can be detected. Cracks in the skin of the vulva are also possible. A small amount of vaginal discharge is examined under a microscope. Sometimes a culture is done if the infection does not go away after treatment or recurs many times.
Treatment thrush
Most thrush medications are available over the counter in the form of creams and suppositories. For example, miconazole, clotrimazole, thioconazole, butoconazole. Your doctor may also prescribe fluconazole – a pill that is only taken once.
Prevention and treatment of vaginal discharge
- Keep your genitals clean and dry.
- Avoid soap and rinse with water.
- A warm but not hot bath will help relieve symptoms.
- Avoid showering. While most women feel cleaner, showering after a period or intercourse can negatively impact vaginal discharge by washing away the protective bacteria that fight infections in the vagina.
- Consume yoghurts with live bacteria or special Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets during antibiotic treatment.
- Do not use sprays, perfumes or powders on the genitals.
- Do not wear overly tight underwear or shorts as this may cause irritation. Wear cotton underwear. Try to avoid silk or nylon underwear, as these materials are highly absorbent and block airflow. This can lead to genital sweating and irritation.
- Use pads, not tampons.
- If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.
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