Двойной эффект гидробустера: увлажнение и подтяжка кожи лица

Innovative preparation for the correction of facial skin defects VISCODERM® Hydrobooster is of great interest to practicing cosmetologists, because due to the unique formula it has a double effect.

On the one hand – deeply moisturizes, giving the skin smoothness and radiance, and on the other hand – provides hydrostretching of wrinkles due to its special rheological properties.

Tatyana Kobets shared her experience on the use of the drug in practice with readers of estet-portal.com – dermatovenereologist of the highest category, cosmetologist, KeyMed center.

What is the peculiarity and innovativeness of the hydrobooster in working with facial skin

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VISCODERM® Hydrobooster from IBSA – innovative in the field of aesthetic medicine, so it immediately attracted my attention, and I am glad that I was one of the first in Ukraine to use it in my work.

To date, experience has already been gained in the use of VISCODERM® Hydrobooster, introduced to our doctors by Cosmetic Group, in many manufacturer-recommended areas and cases.


To be more precise, applied in work with patients:
•    with a fine wrinkled type of aging,
•    dry skin,  
•    with mimic wrinkles on the cheeks and around the mouth,  
•    with dyschromia, especially in the perioral zone,
•    in the area around the eyes along the bony edge of the orbit,  
•    in working with creases in the forehead area.

For forehead area correction, the drug is especially good for patients who, for whatever reason, refuse botulinum therapy even if there are indications for it.

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But with the neck area you need to be very careful, as IBSA does not recommend this drug for use in this area. VISCODERM® Hydrobooster is good for deep injection, which is not possible in the neck area.

Learn more: Profilelo is a new hyaluronic acid for bioremodeling of sagging skin.

How do patients evaluate the effect of hydrobooster on the skin of the face

All patients report positive effects from VISCODERM®; Hydrobooster that develops gradually. In the first week after administration, all patients have a moisturizing effect. From the second week, the lifting effect is clearly manifested, the strengthening of which I observed within a month after the injection of the drug.

It is important to note that the introduction of VISCODERM® Hydrobooster was not accompanied by edema, so for patients prone to edema, this is definitely the drug of choice.

A very convenient protocol for the administration of the drug for patients, which is also important to consider when choosing a rejuvenation program.  Two procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 2 months and a third procedure after six months. Of course, such a VISCODERM® application protocol; Hydrobooster by Cosmetic Group allows the patient to "not fall out" from your usual schedule.

"The skin is firm and tight" is what you hear most often from patients after using VISCODERM®; Hydrobooster. In my opinion, the biggest compliment a doctor gets is questions from satisfied patients about what they "did last time." and the desire to repeat this procedure after a while.

See also: Skin treatment from the inside: how to achieve a radiant complexion with a hydrobooster

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