И хочется и колется: особенности инъекционного омоложения

"Beauty injections" are relatively accessible to many patients of cosmetic clinics, they expect a lot from injections of fillers or botulinum toxin, but doctors believe that they should not be carried away recklessly and insist on a reasonable approach to injection rejuvenation.

According to a recent study of the global market for aesthetic services, the first place in popularity among clinic patients is held by injections of botulinum toxin and fillers, mainly based on hyaluronic acid (HA). The so-called autologous cellular technologies are also in demand: lipofilling (injections of one's own fat) is on the fourth line of the national rating, following botulinum therapy, contouring with HA fillers and laser hair removal.

The seeming simplicity of injectable rejuvenation

Revitalization, redermalization, bioreparation… Numerous terms related to the topic under consideration are not only confusing for non-professionals, but are not always understood in the same way by doctors working in this field. The fact remains: there is no ultimate clarity in the terminology yet, since there is no clear standardization of drugs. By and large, injection cosmetology — the area is little explored, although its history can be counted from the second half of the last century.

Some injectable solutions are designed for the general "encouragement" of the skin's resources, others are aimed at improving individual segments of the face. But it is obvious that neither the first nor the second will work with full dedication if the patient does not take care of himself systematically, if the cosmetologist does not care about the prevention of age-related changes at the level of the entire body of his patient, and not just the outer shell.

Reasonable timing for anti-aging treatments

At what age can you start moisturizing the skin with additional "infusions" and feeding it with vitamins?

You need to look at the individual condition of the tissues. Young patients in cosmetology are women under the age of 35 years. In principle, until this time, the skin does not need massive external support. There is a concept — "dry needle mesotherapy", when tissue stimulation (it is called negative) is carried out without the introduction of any drug, simply due to mechanical trauma.

Only this impact (one can argue about its expediency) — without any injection cocktails — already provides a beauty effect.

From the age of 40, the estrogenic background begins to fall, and stronger means are already required, for example, bioreinforcement of unstabilized HA. But only on the condition that there is no obvious ptosis.

Encouraged by the improvements after injection rejuvenation, ladies often return to the cosmetologist after a short period of time with the desire to repeat the manipulation. Such zeal is not to be commended. Inadequate intervals between treatments — the reason for undermining the immunity of the skin, when one inflammation has not yet ended, and another is already initiated. The answer to constant torment may be the launch of the mechanism of early cell death, that is, premature aging.

It is not superfluous to recall that the injection effect can be carried out only after the anamnesis has been collected and no contraindications to therapy have been identified. Another point that is often overlooked, — the need to prepare for injections, as a rule, using techniques that improve microcirculation in tissues.

Peculiarities of facial contouring

Possibilities of contouring — modeling of volumes due to the introduction of various fillers — tempting. The main thing you need to know about this impact, — this is not a miracle cure for aging, capable of rewinding time a dozen or two years ago. Thanks to moderate correction, patients look noticeably fresher, becoming, in the words of a famous American dermatologist, an improved version of themselves. If, for some reason, hypercorrection occurs, then the face takes on an unnatural, and even frankly grotesque look.

Of course, this is not a universal procedure; even a trapezoidal face shape can become a relative contraindication to it. With a number of individual characteristics, this measure should be applied extremely selectively. A case in point — pastosity of the face, by the way, is a very common phenomenon. That's when preliminary complex work is definitely required, often starting in the office of a gynecologist-endocrinologist, since puffiness — a clear sign of hormonal imbalance.

Let's not ignore one more — purely artistic — moment of contouring. Human self-perception is arranged in such a way that we often “stumble” over individual nuances, ignoring the overall picture, and insist on fragmentary correction (for example, only softening the nasolabial fold) to the detriment of the overall harmonization of the face, in which the emphasis can be placed on a completely different zone, say, on the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and temples. An experienced specialist who evaluates the face impartially is able to see what escapes the patient's inexperienced gaze and recommend his concept of a harmonious face.

Undesirable consequences of contouring

It is no secret that injections are associated with undesirable manifestations, which can be either short-term and self-limiting, or quite long-term and serious. What “costs” available for contouring?

Pain during the procedure can be explained by the viscosity of the filler and the pressure under which it enters the tissue. The thicker the injection needle, the more intolerable the pain. Lower eyelid, area around the mouth, lips — in these areas the pain is felt more strongly. It is easier for the patient to survive the impact of various techniques — application of ice to the treatment site immediately before the injection, vibration massage during the session and, of course, the use of local anesthesia.

Redness and swelling occurring immediately after the injection of the filler — normal response to injury. The patient has to put up with these troubles for several days. The more drug was placed in the tissue, the greater these effects are. There is a relationship with the injection technique: careful administration of the drug minimizes subsequent redness.

Hematomas after contour plastics appear due to damage to the blood vessels by the needle or their rupture with a too dense mass of the filler. When rejuvenating the infraorbital region with injections of hyaluronic or polylactic acid, bruises almost always occur. The patient should be warned that the complete disappearance of hematomas can be expected in five — ten days after the procedure.

Hemorrhages are provoked by a large diameter of the needle, they arise due to the peculiarities (fragility, porosity) of the vascular wall, the state of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems. Thoroughly knowing the facial anatomy, a specialist purposefully bypasses the vessels. The "tools" also play their role: a blunt cannula allows a better and more delicate distribution of the viscous filler in the tissues.

Another "postscript" of contouring — the formation of nodes, associated either with an incorrect technique for the procedure, or with an allergic reaction (the latter is especially likely when using drugs of previous generations). They fight the defect with the help of massage, the introduction of special substances, make a puncture and remove the contents of the node.

A much more serious complication — necrosis at the injection point, when a viscous filler accidentally enters the artery of the area between the eyebrows or the nasolabial fold. The result is an ischemic reaction: the skin turns gray-bluish in color, later it may show signs of erosion and ulceration. Emergency actions of the doctor in such a situation — applying a paste with nitroglycerin to the skin.

According to kiz.ru

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