The golden hands of plastic surgeons work wonders. With the help of doctors of this specialty, the appearance of people changes beyond recognition. Plastic surgeons help not only restore youth by correcting various age-related changes, but also provide an opportunity to eliminate serious defects in appearance. Congenital deformities or serious injuries resulting from trauma - this is a job for plastic surgeons. In this field of medicine, skin grafts are widely used today. What defects can be eliminated with their help - read on

What wounds can be closed with skin grafts

Skin grafts can be used to close any wound where there is sufficient blood supply to develop granulation tissue. It is impossible to cover with a skin graft only the exposed cortical bone without periosteum, nerve without perineurium, tendon without parathenon, and also cartilage without perichondrium. Skin grafts are often used to permanently close wounds, but in some cases a split skin graft may temporarily cover the defect to prevent entry of infectious agents and to protect vital structures. Later, in order to achieve a better cosmetic effect, the wound is closed with a full-thickness graft.

Skin grafts:

  • use of skin grafts to close wounds in the facial area;
  • how skin grafts help in the treatment of post-burn wounds;
  • use of skin grafts to replace mucous membranes.

Using skin grafts to close facial wounds

Skin grafts are widely used in plastic surgery to close various defects on the patient's face. To close medium wounds in the facial area, full-thickness skin grafts are used, which are taken from the anterior and behind the ear, as well as the supraclavicular regions. Usually such grafts are most similar to the skin of the damaged areas. Large defects that occur after the removal of malignant neoplasms on the face are closed with a split or full-thickness skin graft, which is taken from the anterior abdominal wall or thigh. To achieve the best aesthetic result of such operations, it is important to take into account the anatomical subzones of the face.


How skin grafts help in the treatment of post-burn wounds

Thermal damage very often leads to the loss of the skin in different areas of the body. When closing post-burn defects, split skin grafts are the method of choice. To increase the closure area, which is often necessary in the treatment of burns, special perforations are applied to skin grafts with skin stretching. After taking the graft again from the same area, it can be done in a few weeks. If there is a shortage of donor sites, prepared allografts from split skin are used to close the burn surfaces, which are temporary in nature and are rejected after a few weeks.

Use of skin grafts for mucosal replacement

Split skin grafts are widely used for mucosal replacement in the following areas:

  • in the mouth area;
  • in the area of ​​the conjunctiva of the eyelids;
  • in the nasopharyngeal region;
  • in the vaginal area;
  • in the area of ​​the bladder.

Skin grafts can be used to replace the lining of the nasal cavity, in which case they are preferred over mucosal grafts because the skin is more stable and resistant to traumatic injury. But it is better to replace the conjunctiva of the eyelids and the nasal mucosa with a split graft from the mucous membrane of the lower lip, since the keratinized layer of the skin can irritate these sensitive areas.

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