First impression of a person – his age, character, state of health – usually develops when looking into his eyes, or rather, we automatically evaluate their brightness and radiance, the condition of the skin in the periorbital zone. A dull look, a faded color of the iris, as well as drooping eyelids and flabby skin with wrinkles around the eyes immediately give the impression that we are facing an aged person, although this is not always true. The state of the area around the eyes is paid attention not only by people around the person, but also by doctors, and especially cosmetologists, for whom deformation changes in the periorbital zone, as well as the patient's gaze, largely suggest a plan for further complex treatment of age-related changes. What could this plan be, what procedures could be used in it,

The problem is not only in the skin: why the area around the eyes is deformed

Often, patients at a beautician’s appointment ask to “inject them with something”; in the area around the eyes, so that the skin smoothes, gains elasticity and gets rid of wrinkles. However, signs of age-related changes in the periorbital zone depend far from only on the condition of the skin, and it is worth explaining this to the patient in order to discuss the tactics of further treatment with him.

Age-related changes that usually deform the area around the eyes and visually significantly add years to the patient,  depend on the fact that, over time, the orbital septum weakens and the orbito-zygomatic tendon lengthens. Because of this, the eyelids begin to hang in corrugated folds, the orbital fat protrudes and forms bags under the eyes, and the nasolacrimal sulcus and zygomatic bags become more pronounced.

Orbital Septum Feature  and orbital tendons in that they are composed of thick, dense collagen fibers that lie in parallel bundles connected by fibrocytes and a small number of fibroblasts.

The activity of these fibroblasts is not at all high, compared, for example, with loose tissues of the dermis, new collagen is almost not synthesized here, and therefore tendon tissues  thinning and stretching with age. This leads to the omission of surrounding tissues and the development of deformative ptosis of the eyelids.

What can be done to correct unwanted deformity ptosis

The task of a cosmetologist in correcting deformity changes in the periorbital zone, when it comes to preventing ptosis of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as maintaining tendon elasticity after blepharoplasty or due to hereditary weakness of the connective tissue in this zone, is as follows:

    stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers in the orbital tendons;
  • replenish the biochemical composition of the intercellular substance of the tissues of the periorbital zone;
  • prevent further stretching of the tendon fibers;
  • prevent protrusion of periorbital fat.
A good result in the correction of deformation changes in the periorbital zone was shown by  specific enzymes of the placenta, which are part of  meso-cocktails SAKURA, EJI, EJI Extra - procollagen peptidase, proline and lysine hydroxylase. A high concentration of such drugs in the tendon layer of the eyelids has the following effects:

    synthesis of mature, actively working fibroblasts begins;
  • intercellular substance is restored;
  • the orbital plates and the orbito-zygomatic tendons are strengthened;
  • no orbital fat showing through.
Medications for the treatment of cellular aging SAKURA, EJI, EJI Extra and EGI Argirelin in Ukraine are represented by

I-Cosmetolog, whose training center conducts master classes, seminars and trainings on the technologies of introducing mesopreparations.


How to administer mesopreparations correctly in order to achieve the best effect in the periorbital zone

Introduction of cocktails SAKURA, EJI, EJI Extra  has some features that allow you to achieve a wonderful rejuvenating effect. When working with the orbital plate, the drug is injected not into the dermis, but under the circular muscle of the eye, directly to the plate itself. On the orbital part of the upper eyelid, the insertion depth is about 2 mm, and in the orbital region of the lower eyelid, it is 2.6 mm. The preparations are administered by  microdroplets, every 5 mm. On the palpebral part, the introduction is carried out intradermally.


The technology of preseptal (pre-septal) injection of mesopreparations, presented by I-cosmetolog, allows you to influence the restoration of the normal structure and function of the tendon apparatus of the eyelids.

Preseptal mesotherapy prevents blepharoptosis and returns an open look, relieves the patient of & nbsp; tired expression.

The combination of intradermal SAKURA, EJI, EJI Extra and EGI Argirelin with preseptal administration allows non-surgical correction of age-related changes in the periorbital region in the initial stages. Such schemes are intended for men and women aged 17-60 years who have hereditary or acquired failure of the tendon apparatus of the near-orbital region.

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