The question of how to get rid of fat and slim down worries people not only from the standpoint of the aesthetic perception of the figure, although excess fat deposits on the body may well cause depression and serious problems with socialization. As you know, excess body weight increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and a number of other equally serious health disorders. However, it is also known that not always diets and procedures aimed at combating overweight are effective. Why this happens, and is there a way out, we deal with

Features  adipocytes explaining the fact how to get rid of fat

Overweight is formed from the fact that the body accumulates fat in an abnormal amount. Adipose tissue is formed by special adipocyte cells, their number in each person is genetically programmed. During puberty, adipose tissue usually increases dramatically, and then mature adipocytes are no longer able to divide, their number remains constant throughout a person's life. Fat is deposited in them, and such an increase in the proportion of adipose tissue is called the hypertrophic type of growth.

Throughout a person's life, progenitor cells remain in his adipose tissue, retaining the ability to divide.

If adipocytes are no longer able to store fat due to excess fat, progenitor cells are stimulated. This type of growth of adipose tissue is called the hyperplastic type of growth. Progenitor cells divide intensively and accumulate fat. If an overweight person  loses a lot of weight, then the number of adipocytes does not decrease in him – they just get smaller. And since he has potentially more fat cells than lean people, when he refuses a diet, such a patient quickly gains weight.

Scientists' search for possibilities and ways to get rid of fat has led to the study of the structure of fat cells.


The reasons why the removal of fat from cells is started or inhibited

The accumulation of adipose tissue in the body depends on the balance of such processes as lipogenesis and lipolysis. Specialists are especially interested in the process of lipolysis – that is, the breakdown of fat deposited in cells into glycerol and fatty acids with the release of the energy needed by the body. The enzyme lipoprotein lipase is responsible for starting this process in cells, and a number of hormones are responsible for the activity of this enzyme, for example:

and some others  types of hormones.

These hormones act on certain β-receptors present on the membrane of the fat cell. It would seem that everything is simple: we activate these receptors – and the question of how to get rid of fat is solved. However, everything is not so simple. First, as it turned out, these receptors react differently to different hormones. For example, fat cells on the outer surface of the thighs (breeches in women) do not respond to adrenaline at all, and adipocytes in the abdomen – on the contrary, they react very actively. Secondly, other – which are able to inhibit or even stop lipolysis. It is this combination of receptors that is characteristic of the membranes of fat cells, concentrating in those places that are commonly called problem areas.

How to get rid of fat for a long time and without harming the body

When deciding how to get rid of fat, it is very important to remember the safety of the procedure. Since life processes in adipose tissue are controlled by hormones, and adipocytes themselves not only store and produce energy, but also actively synthesize a number of sex hormones, in the case of forced removal of adipose tissue – for example, liposuction method – there is a risk of serious damage to the endocrine system.

Specialists believe that today the best non-invasive way to reduce the volume of adipose tissue in terms of efficiency and safety can be considered LPG lipomassage technology. This technology has shown that such a physical method of influencing adipose tissue gives a response at the biological level, allowing you to activate lipolysis in problem areas of fat accumulation.

It should be remembered that there are no universal means for correcting body fat, each time the technique is selected individually.

LPG lipomassage technology gives excellent results in combination with other methods that trigger lipolysis. To achieve a good and stable effect on body shaping, it is necessary to constantly repeat maintenance courses of therapy.

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