Как врачу-косметологу распознать невралгию тройничного нерва
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN)

is a common and potentially disabling disease, the exact pathophysiology of which remains unknown. Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by

one-sided pain

along the sensory branches of the fifth pair of cranial nerves, which usually radiates to the maxillary or mandibular region in 35% of patients and is often accompanied by short spasm of the facial muscles. An isolated lesion of the ophthalmic branch appears much less frequently (2.8%).

Since this nerve is the largest that innervates the face along with the 7th pair, the cosmetologist needs to have a clear understanding of the clinical picture of its lesion.

For more information about this, see the article on



  • Origin of trigeminal neuralgia
  • Approaches to the classification of trigeminal neuralgia
  • Pain syndrome in trigeminal neuralgiava
  • Origin of trigeminal neuralgia

Because the exact pathogenesis remains completely unexplored, the origin of TN may be associated with

damage to the central and / or peripheral structures of the nervous system

. Irritation of the trigeminal nerve can cause pain because its main function is −



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Instagram! Usually, trigeminal neuralgia has no organic lesion (85%), although many researchers agree that compression of venous or arterial vessels when the trigeminal nerve enters the pons is important for the development of idiopathic neuralgia.

Further vasoconstriction leads to
focal demyelination of the trigeminal nerve

. Neuropathic pain is the main sign of injury to the demyelinated and myelinated primary afferent fibers that carry impulses from nociceptive receptors.

My default imageMicrodamage to nerve fibers

, where

is the main factor, which is usually seen in the paraganglionic region, leading to impaired impulse transmission. This mechanism causes a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity (for example, vibration can provoke a pain attack), which can be observed at a dentist's appointment or during cosmetic procedures

eq. First aid for retinal artery occlusion after filler injections

Approaches to the classification of trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia is divided into classical and symptomatic.

The classic form (idiopathic)

includes seizures that occur when a normal artery contacts a nearby nerve.

Symptomatic forms may have different origins.

Aneurysms, tumors, chronic inflammatory processes in the meninges or other lesions can irritate the trigeminal nerve roots, causing symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia can be caused by adjacent dental fillings of different metals.

Pathology of this nerve has been reported associated with tongue piercing



Pain syndrome in trigeminal neuralgiaMy default image

NT is manifested by
stabbing pain on one side of the face

, which is caused by chewing or touching the affected areas.

Most commonly affected is the right half of the face (5: 1).

Some patients may have pretrigeminal syndrome neuralgia: they complain of sinus pain or toothache that lasts for hours, triggered by jaw movements or drinking.

Botulinum toxin in the treatment of migraine

Characteristics of pain syndrome:

Intense paroxysmal, stabbing;

Begins with a feeling of electric shock in a certain area;
  • Increase in pain intensity in less than 20 seconds, often resulting in a distorted expression on the patient's face;
  • The intensity decreases for a few seconds, then there is a burning pain lasting a few seconds to minutes;
  • Pain subsides completely between attacks, even when they are intense and frequent;
  • During attacks of pain, patients may perform various head movements or make "grimaces"; to reduce the severity of pain, thus creating a condition similar to
  • painful tic
  • New possibilities for medical treatment of migraine Patients avoid touching the face or shaving the trigger site, which distinguishes this pain syndrome from others where facial massage or heat/cold help relieve pain. In many patients with trigeminal neuralgia, facial expressions seem poor during a conversation, as active movements can lead to the development of an attack.
  • Unlike migraine pain, attacks of trigeminal neuralgia rarely occur during sleep.


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