Complications of lip contouring occupy a significant place in the list of problems that a plastic surgeon has to deal with. Unfortunately, both doctors and patients often consider this type of correction to be very simple and neglect caution. As a result, too deep or superficial injection of the gel, an incorrectly chosen area of ​​correction, the introduction of an excess amount of material can lead to serious changes in appearance, thereby causing psychological trauma to a woman.

According to dermatologists and cosmetologists, lip contouring is one of the most popular plastic procedures in aesthetic medicine. Fashion trends for plump, sensual mouths, like those of movie stars or sex symbols, have begun to attract the attention of women who want to increase the volume of their lips, make them more expressive and sexy. However, there are numerous reports from practitioners of complications after using corrective gels of various formulations.

Unsatisfactory results of the use of fillers in the lips may be due to the anatomical features of this area: high functional activity of the underlying facial muscles, close proximity of the lips to the dentoalveolar system, the predominance of the fibrous structure of the subcutaneous layer with a minimum amount of adipose tissue.

The following types of late complications have been established:

  • hypercorrection of the lips with material migration beyond the red border;
  • deformations associated with uneven distribution of material: uneven lip contour, accumulation of material in limited areas, which causes local limitation of lip mobility;
  • inflammation: aseptic, purulent, granulomatous;
  • secondary deformities after resolution of inflammation or surgical removal of material.
  • Let's take a closer look at these complications.

Hypercorrection (overcorrection) of the lips is caused mainly by the introduction of an excess amount of material, inadequate assessment by the doctor or patient of the desired lip augmentation. The introduction of a large amount of implant material into any of the layers of the lips, in order to increase them, inevitably leads to a limitation of their mobility, mainly in the form of stiffness during contraction of the circular muscles of the mouth. This type of deformity is sometimes quite satisfactory for the patient and does not require correction.

Deformation of the contours and outlines of the lips is mainly due to the uneven distribution of the material during insertion or the fact that, under the influence of muscle activity, excess material tends to shift or accumulate. From an aesthetic point of view, some deformations are not very noticeable and may not bother a woman, however, sometimes the unnatural outline of the lips and close attention from others can cause nervousness, provoke a desire to quickly get rid of the defect.

Ideally, the presence of a strong connective tissue continuous attachment at the border of the red border with the skin part of the lip prevents the gel from spreading from one part to another, but only if small volumes of material are correctly injected along the contour or into the red border to a depth of no more than 2 mm . Doctor's mistakes during the procedure or the presence of previous inflammatory processes in the lip area increase the risk of gel migration into the skin part, forming skin roughness. The elimination of such a defect is sometimes difficult, as it may be associated with a risk of deterioration in the aesthetic appearance of the lips after surgery.

The material shifts outwards and downwards - occurs when the gel is injected subcutaneously into the lower lip due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the mimic muscles, it is typical. When the material is introduced into the submucosal layer or into the transition zone of the red border, a shift or accumulation of the gel in the projection of closure (along the free edge of the lips) is possible with the formation of “rolls” on the mucous membrane under the influence of the circular muscle of the mouth. Often, as a result of surgical treatment of such deformities of the lips, areas of “sagging” or “lumpness” lips requiring additional corrective measures (autotransplantation).

Inadequate amount of injected material can lead to drooping of the lateral and lateral corners of the mouth, which in turn leads to discomfort when trying to smile, as well as when pronouncing lip sounds. In addition, even after the correct introduction of the material and initially good, according to the patient, the result, experts noticed that after a few years, unaesthetic elements that differ in shape and color form on the lips.

Inflammatory processes

Aseptic processc is clinically manifested by localized edema, often with redness and soreness. One of the frequent complications of polyacrylamide gel injection is inflammatory infiltrate. Inflammation is also possible due to a cut on the lip on the sharp edge of the tooth, a bruise, etc. Granulomatous inflammation or foreign body granuloma occupies a special position among the various late complications of contouring, sometimes with multiple recurrences. Thus, careful selection of the area of ​​correction and calculation of the required amount of material, as well as, of course, the high qualification of the surgeon and experience in performing such operations, will help to avoid complications in lip contouring.

According to the materials of the site Medical Portal MED39

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