Surgery to correct protruding ears, or otoplasty — one of the most common in plastic surgery. Almost 90% of patients with this aesthetic defect sooner or later come to a plastic surgeon. It is important to carry out otoplasty in a timely manner so that the child does not form unnecessary complexes about his own appearance. The results of the auricular correction surgery will be most successful if the patient is motivated positively, as this will greatly facilitate the rehabilitation period and accelerate healing.

Why otoplasty is so popular

The operation of otoplasty aims to eliminate protruding ears (protruding ears), correct asymmetries, model the shape of the ear cartilage, and partially or completely reconstruct the ears. Otoplasty is performed for both adults and children. The minimum age for a child from whom surgery is possible is six years. Until this age, there is an active growth of cartilage tissue.

If the child has already begun to realize his physical inferiority, then it is useful to eliminate the aesthetic defect precisely in these terms – before the child enters school. It should be noted that most children safely "skip" this age and the next aggravation of interest in the problem of protruding auricles occurs at the age of 13-15 years, when puberty occurs and adolescents become interested in the opposite sex, and as a result, in their appearance. By the number of requests, this is the largest group of patients. It is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the inadmissibility of the formation of a complex about the appearance of the child at home.

However, despite the fervent desire of the parents to correct the appearance of the child as soon as possible with the help of otoplasty, only positive motivation in the mind of a small patient should independently lead him to the operating table, allow him to perform the operation without resorting to anesthesia, under the most gentle, local anesthesia .

Techniques for correcting protruding auricles

Protruding ears can be caused by: excessive height of the ear cup, flattening or underdevelopment of the antihelix, as well as a combination of the above conditions. For each state, an individual technique is selected. With excess height, the cup is reduced by removing a small section of cartilage. When the antihelix is ​​smoothed, all actions are aimed at cartilage modeling with the formation of a natural antihelix.

There are a lot of surgical methods for correcting protruding auricles. However, not everyone performs the main tasks of otoplasty at once:

  • natural appearance of the ear in the late postoperative period,
  • complete absence of visible traces of the operation,
  • quick and reliable healing, no relapses,
  • possibility to obtain any desired degree of ear pressure.

The protrusion of the auricle depends on the degree of failure of the cartilage fold, called the antihelix, as well as the distance from the upper point of the antihelix to the "bottom"; auricle. Bringing these parameters to normal values ​​allows you to get a natural contour and shape of the ear.

In preparation for surgery, a brief examination is performed. The essence of one of the sparing methods of otoplasty is to relieve tension in the anterior surface of the cartilage, which allows it to easily take the desired shape. The fixation of the cartilage in the new position is performed without tension with several non-absorbable sutures. All access incisions are sutured with absorbable sutures, which allows you not to remove the sutures and not wear a dressing for more than 4-5 days. Minor bruising and swelling of the ear disappears on day 7-10, does not require additional treatment.

Otoplasty is very popular, as it eliminates almost all possible deformations of the auricles, while, as a rule, there are no traces of surgical intervention and the appearance improves.

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