Косметические бустеры EVENSWISS® и их преимущества в уходе за кожей

Not so long ago, consumers of skin and hair care cosmetics found out the features of serums as concentrated bioactive products. Today, the attention of both cosmetologists and their patients is attracted by other concentrated products – boosters. This is a class of biological preparations, the task of which is to enhance the action of the basic cosmetic product. As part of boosters, you can find natural ingredients – plant extracts, vitamins. Booster line EVENSWISS® designed for all skin types and hair, read more about its effectiveness at estet-portal.com.

What are boosters and how do they work in skin care

The word «booster» (booster) means "amplifier", "assistant", and in some contexts of application even "booster". Indeed, this class of cosmetics is designed to accelerate and enhance the action of skin care cosmetics as much as possible.

Boosters are based on the incorporation of powerful bioactive components of natural origin.

The basic components of cosmetic boosters are extracts and extracts of plants, for example: extract of prickly pear, rhododendron, watercress, spirulina. Another common component of – vegetable oils: argan, castor, almond, grape seed.

Lecithin and phytoestrogens (eg soy isoflavone) are becoming important components of cosmetic boosters. All these biologically active substances are included in the EVENSWISS® booster line.

What skincare problems do boosters solve

EVENSWISS® Boosters are concentrated solutions of highly active substances that solve the following specific skin problems:
•    dryness and flabbiness of the skin,
•    small wrinkles,
•    dark circles under the eyes,
•    dull skin tone,
•    manifestations of cellulite,
•    fragility and hair loss.

The concept of using the booster is to combine a neutral cosmetic-conductor (basic formula) with a special Booster Concentrate. The end result is provided mainly by the booster, not the base tool.

Possible combinations of boosters with other products EVENSWISS® (basic)

Booster number


Which agent is combined with



Nourishing Revitalizing Cream or Rejuvenating Serum


Anti-dry skin

Basic booster

For skin radiance


Anti-Age Pigmentation

Eventone Serum


Against all types of pigmentation


Against puffiness under the eyes

Rejuvenating eye complex


Against dark circles


Against loose skin

Revitalizing cream for the décolleté zone



Strengthening Body Complex


Volumizing hair

Hair Protection Serum

Basic guide product for professional use of the EVENSWISS® booster line; available in several formulations: face, body, massage and scalp formula.

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How to use boosters for skin care

One or more drops of Booster Concentrate are mixed with EVENSWISS® Carrier Product; in the palm of your hand immediately before applying it to the skin.

Ratio of Booster Concentrate to EVENSWISS® product; - 1:10 (i.e. 0.1 ml of Booster Concentrate and 1 ml of EVENSWISS). The application of a product enhanced with a booster allows you to achieve instant visible results:
•    fine wrinkles are reduced;
•    skin becomes even, smooth and radiant;
•    bags under the eyes are reduced and dark spots disappear;
•    nails are strengthened on the hands, the skin stops peeling and cracking from dryness;
•    pigmentation spots fade;

Products of the booster line EVENSWISS® ideally focused on various skin problems, and their use leads to visible improvements in its condition. Thanks to boosters, everyday skin care requires less effort, and the result becomes much more impressive.

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