Despite the persistent recommendations of cosmetologists regarding protective measures designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, still, with the onset of the active sun season, many patients with manifested hyperpigmentation turn to them. The intensity of age spots and the speed of their manifestation depends on many reasons related to the patient's health, skin type, and many other factors that the doctor must take into account when choosing therapy. What means and methods to prefer for this, read on our portal.

Causes of dark spots: mechanism of development of hyperpigmentation

One of the reasons for the appearance of a pigment spot – inflammatory process in the dermis, provoked by sunlight. UV radiation provokes the appearance of free radicals that destroy cell membranes. Through the damaged membrane, active substances are released that cause inflammation in the skin, and after its healing, a pigment spot is formed on this site.

Another common cause of pigmentation is related to the disruption of the synthesis of certain hormones under the influence of UV radiation. In particular, we are talking about the melanocyte-stimulating hormone intermedin: if too much of it is synthesized – we get hyperpigmentation if not enough – depigmented spot.

Melanogenesis is also affected by sex gland hormones and the amino acid tyrosine. The risk of hyperpigmentation increases with violations of the liver, since tyrosine metabolism processes occur in its cells.

The cause of hyperpigmentation is often increased photosensitivity of the skin due to medication, the use of perfumes, aromatic oils, certain types of cosmetics, and the patient should be asked about these provoking factors before starting treatment.

Under the influence of UV rays, the formation of collagen types 1 and 3 slows down, the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid is disrupted, normal microcirculation is disturbed, the skin loses its elasticity, acquires sagging and wrinkling.

Cosmetic correction of hyperpigmentation: action and side effects

Hyperpigmentation therapy begins with a thorough history taking: when and under what circumstances pigment spots appeared, what is the sensitivity of the patient's skin, its type, are there concomitant diseases, are any medications taken that can affect the results of treatment.

The most commonly used cosmetic products for correcting hyperpigmentation – whitening creams based on hydroquinone.

  • Action: inhibit the formation of melanocytes by blocking the activity of tyrosinase, destroy existing melanocytes and lighten pigmentation spots.
  • Duration: when using a 5% cream, the effect is visible after 8 weeks, the course of therapy – about 12 months.
  • Side effects: the skin becomes irritated, comedones, contact dermatitis, post-inflammatory pigmentation may appear.

Medications with retinol and its derivatives – another popular cosmetic solution for hyperpigmentation.

  • Action: stimulates the growth of capillaries, the production of melanin-destroying elements, collagen.
  • Duration: one to two years.
  • Side effects: skin hypersensitivity, peeling, itching, new foci of pigmentation.

Vitamin C preparations can slow down the synthesis of melanin, restore damaged capillary walls in areas of pigmentation.

The simultaneous use of drugs with vitamin A and vitamin C can cause their synergy, as they enhance each other's activity. This increases the risk of side effects and leads to their intensification.

If azelaic acid becomes the drug of choice, it must be remembered that the effect of its use can be expected no earlier than after 8 months, although the first results are visible after a month. Kojic acid preparations are prescribed for a period of 2 months, but a common side effect in this case is dermatitis. When prescribing steroid drugs, they must be combined with hydroquinone or tretionine to avoid side effects such as skin atrophy, telangiectasia, increased dryness and sensitivity.


Different types of treatments for hyperpigmentation

The type of effect on age spots and the duration of the course is selected depending on the intensity and extent of pigmentation, the timing and causes of occurrence, and other factors that the doctor evaluates when taking an anamnesis. The following are quite effective.

  • Chemical peels: alpha hydroxy acids are good at breaking down melanin, but it's best not to risk going too deep to avoid post-peel pigmentation.
  • Cryotherapy: the procedure is effective due to the increased sensitivity of melanocytes to cold.
  • Mesotherapy with vitamin C preparations: local application allows inhibition of tyrosinase and lightening of already existing melanin foci.
  • Phototherapy: selective pulsed light heats and destroys melanin, the skin in the pigmented area first darkens and then peels off, and the color in the treated area evens out and brightens.
  • Dermabrasion: removes skin layers along with melanocytes, but carries the risk of deep damage to skin layers with complications in the form of new pigmentation.

It is very important, before choosing a way to deal with hyperpigmentation, to determine the cause of its development, and only after its elimination, proceed to correct external manifestations. During therapy, the patient must remember the need for home care prescribed by the doctor, the mandatory use of sunscreen.

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