Красота и здоровье женщины – в фокусе внимания конференции «Портрет сложного пациента»

Many cosmetologists believe that the concept of a difficult patient today is applicable to the majority of regular visitors to cosmetology clinics. Difficulties in the management of such patients are due to unfavorable ecology, frequent allergies, and the presence of other factors that force the specialist to look for new approaches each time, choose new methods and preparations in order to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Therefore, the conference "Portrait of a difficult patient" always arouse great interest. The theme of the Vll series of conferences – Woman's power is dedicated to the beauty and health of women. What awaits the guests of the conference on February 21, 2018, learned estet-portal.com.

Why was the theme of beauty and health of women chosen

A series of conferences under the general title "Portrait of a Difficult Patient"; was conceived and organized by a doctor of the highest category, dermatovenereologist, scientific coordinator of the Academy of Scientific Beauty, Teoxane international speaker, member of the scientific committee of Euromedicom congresses and member of EADV (Ukraine) Vladlena Averina. Six conferences of the cycle have already taken place, and the seventh meeting is planned.

The theme of the seventh conference is "The Power of a Woman" (Woman's power). As Vladlena Averina notes, the choice of topic is always based on what practitioners are interested in knowing, what they ask the most questions about.

What awaits guests at the Woman's power conference dedicated to the beauty and health of women

Woman's power ("The power of a woman") – this is the topic of the Vll series of conferences "Portrait of a difficult patient". Speakers (only women this time) will share the specifics of patient management when prescribing a tandem procedure for the face and intimate area.

The power of a woman – in her beauty and health, a sense of self-confidence. And the conversation will be about the attitude towards a woman in the context of psychology, sexology, nutrition, gynecology, about the peculiarities of the practice of a cosmetologist in relation to women's problems.

Traditionally, each performance will be accompanied by a live or video demonstration and comments by a marketer. The event will take place on February 21, 2018.

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