Лазерные процедуры для кожи интимной зоны: чего опасаются пациенты

Aesthetic gynecology has long ceased to be an exotic field of knowledge not only for doctors, but also for patients of cosmetology clinics. However, when it comes to the use of hardware technologies to influence the skin of the intimate zone, there are many concerns. Laser technologies frighten patients with the power of their influence, especially when it comes to delicate intimate areas. There are many myths about possible complications after their use. Nevertheless, estet-portal.com recalls that laser technologies have been used for quite a long time, and considerable experience has been accumulated to help dispel doubts about their safety.

Laser treatment of the skin of the intimate area and candidiasis

One of the myths about laser treatment of the skin of the intimate area is that this procedure causes an exacerbation of vaginal candidiasis.

The yeast Candida has an amazing vitality. Experts note that sometimes they do not have time to heal the inflammation caused by it, as vaginal candidiasis recurs again. The list of factors that give rise to this disease and can provoke the re-activity of the Candida fungus is very extensive. Candidiasis is activated against the background of weakened immunity, hormonal fluctuations. The pathogen is capable of mutating, producing new pathogenic strains, forcing specialists to select a new treatment regimen each time.

The data of PCR diagnostics indicate that after a course of laser treatment of the skin of the intimate zone, the manifestations of fungal infection disappear.

This is probably because the laser beam is able to penetrate the skin just to the depth where the fungal mycelium lies. In this case, the cells of the causative agent of the infection are destroyed and the vessels that fed it are coagulated. In addition, the skin of the intimate zone receives an impulse to activate its defenses, which becomes a good prevention of recurrence of candidiasis.

Laser treatment of the skin of the intimate area and oncological risks

Another myth among patients, and sometimes among cosmetologists themselves, is associated with an increase in oncological risks during laser exposure to the skin of the intimate zone.

It should be noted that the fear of cancer is firmly rooted in the minds of our compatriots due to lack of awareness. On the one hand, the prevalence of oncological pathologies, especially skin ones, is frightening. On the other hand, there is not enough awareness about the mechanisms of laser action on the skin.

Innovative laser technologies have been used for several decades, and considerable experience has been accumulated in clinical observations and research in terms of the safety and effectiveness of laser treatments.

At the same time, people still have doubts and fears, which is why they sometimes refuse modern effective treatment in the field of aesthetic gynecology, which can really help them.

Laser treatment is indicated for problems such as:
•    stretching of the vagina after childbirth;
•    various postpartum dysfunctions;
•    urinary incontinence;
•    Excessive vaginal dryness during menopause.

The peculiarity of the laser beam is that when exposed to pathological tissues, it does not injure healthy areas of the skin. Of course, laser procedures for cosmetic treatment of the skin of the intimate area are contraindicated in cases of existing oncological diseases. But it should also be noted that today laser technologies are used as one of the methods in the complex treatment of cervical cancer, as a supportive agent after chemotherapy.

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Collegiality of decisions in the correction of the skin of the intimate zone

One of the doubts that arise in patients of the cosmetology clinic – the competence of such an institution to solve problems of the intimate zone. Doubts are absolutely understandable and are easily dispelled by the fact that only doctors of the appropriate specialization are entitled to work in the field of aesthetic gynecology.

The cosmetologist has the right to examine the skin of the intimate area, apply injection methods to improve the condition of the skin and prevent signs of aging, reduce pigmentation.

Often, it is a dermatovenereologist and cosmetologist working in the field of aesthetic gynecology who becomes the first to pay attention to the manifestations of some signs of diseases that require specialized treatment (when it comes to, for example, papillomas, skin neoplasms in the intimate area).

Vulvo-vaginal laser rejuvenation, any hardware procedures of a more serious direction – this is the preference of the gynecologist, who often works in close cooperation with the surgeon. However, even here the team cannot do without a beautician – its task is to improve skin elasticity, conduct procedures to improve microcirculation, so that the rehabilitation period after laser exposure to the skin of the intimate zone is as short and painless as possible.

Read also: PRP therapy for the correction of the intimate area: how this technique works

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