Modern plastic surgery seeks to perform such surgical interventions, which, subject to minimal trauma, allow achieving the maximum aesthetic result. Such interventions are minimally invasive facial surgeries. On September 23-24, the VII scientific and practical international conference "Difficult cases in plastic surgery" was held in Kyiv. It was there that the report on the topic "Minimally invasive aesthetic interventions on the face" was presented by the candidate of medical sciences, surgeon of the first category Petakh Andrey Vasilyevich. Especially for the readers of, a leading plastic surgeon spoke about the advantages and benefits of minimally invasive facial surgeries.

In your report, you talk about minimally invasive facial surgeries. What interventions would you like to talk about today?

In my report, I will draw attention to the fact that today all operations on the face must be minimally invasive. That is, our operations that we carry out are, on the one hand, minimally invasive, and, on the other hand, radical.

I understand that these are somewhat mutually exclusive concepts, but modern aesthetic surgery can only be like that.

It should be minimally invasive, but radical.

What deficiencies can be corrected with minimally invasive surgery?

The essence of minimally invasiveness is that we, knowing the anatomy very clearly, I mean, in terms of area and depth, understand what specific age-related changes on the face we need to perform specific manipulations in specific areas to correct. Therefore, minimally invasiveness lies only in the fact that we do not affect adjacent zones, we only affect those zones that are responsible for specific age-related changes. The combination of these minimally invasive operations is a radical rejuvenating intervention on the face to correct age-related changes in the face. The face in the 21st century is divided into several zones, and modern aesthetic facial surgery does not involve one intervention on the entire face, therefore, each zone has its own manipulation. The combination of these manipulations provides minimal invasiveness, reduced rehabilitation time, and, therefore,

In what cases may minimally invasive surgery be insufficient and more extensive surgery is required?


Minimally invasive facial surgery provides an absolutely complete, radical rejuvenation option.

This is an alternative to traditional or, frankly, old, conventional surgical interventions.

Which techniques can be combined with minimally invasive surgeries?

With any, because they are minimally invasive, which means that they do not affect those areas that are not targeted by intervention.

What is your opinion about today's event?

The event is solid, representative, it is worthy to be dedicated to the anniversary of a real professor.

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