Морщины на шее: негласные признаки старения

When it comes to skin care, it's not enough to just focus on the face. The neck area is very often exposed to ultraviolet rays. She has thinner skin than her face and is therefore particularly vulnerable. Wrinkles on the neck occur as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation and aging processes, and in particular - & nbsp; sagging klie in  this area. The use of anti-aging creams has an effect only at the initial stages of the appearance of wrinkles; injection techniques are recommended to correct deeper changes. On estet-portal.com, read about effective Phillex™ preparations used to eliminate wrinkles on the neck and décolleté.

Effective ways to correct neck wrinkles

Wrinkles in the neck can occur at a fairly young age, so they are an indicator of the general condition of the skin. Correction of wrinkles in this area is most effectively carried out using injection techniques, since their plastic, gel texture allows you to return the lost volume to the tissues, effectively eliminate wrinkles and even out the skin relief.

Due to the optimal content of hyaluronic acid, Phillex™ provide skin hydration from the inside and activate collagenogenesis.

The complex effect of Phillex™ preparations, presented by Medhome Trade House, provides the skin with a fresh and radiant appearance.
Wrinkles on the neck:
•    main causes of neck wrinkles;
•    method of introducing fillers to correct wrinkles on the neck;
•    effective preparations for the correction of wrinkles on the neck.

The main causes of wrinkles on the neck

A feature of the skin in the neck area is a thin layer  subcutaneous fat, so any movement helps to reduce the skin of this area. As a result – excessive muscle activity leaves traces in the form of wrinkles on the surface of the skin.

To keep the neck area looking young longer, it is recommended:
•    control your posture;
•    moisturize the skin of the neck;
•    when there are pronounced changes – correct them with hyaluronic acid injections.
Since metabolism slows down with age and the rate of cell regeneration decreases, maintaining skin tone is of particular importance to slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Method of introducing fillers to correct wrinkles on the neck

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Wrinkles on the neck or "rings of Venus" appear very early, most often they are genetically determined, or are formed as a result of muscle spasm. Their correction is carried out with the help of hyaluronic acid preparations. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. For a more optimal effect – The filler is injected using a cannula, which allows for fewer punctures and better control over the distribution of the drug. Phillex™ products are ideal for correcting changes in the neck area, which not only eliminate skin defects, but also allow you to resist compression load.

Effective preparations for the correction of wrinkles on the neck

For the correction of wrinkles in the neck area, contouring preparations are used, which are injected into the superficial layers of the dermis.

To correct wrinkles on the neck, 0.5 to 2 ml of the drug may be required, depending on the number and depth of wrinkles.

Phillex™ Sub-Q plus contains stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which promotes renewal & nbsp; intradermal framework. The gel fills wrinkles and folds, and also provides effective resistance to the skin's pressure load. As a result –  after using Phillex™ Sub-Q plus, presented by the Medhome Trading House, wrinkles on the neck straighten out, and the skin in this area becomes more elastic and supple.

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