Loose skin – a problem that is difficult to eliminate without resorting to surgical intervention. People who have lost weight dramatically, women after childbirth, and many patients after liposuction are faced with the fact that despite the lost volumes, their skin has not found the desired look.
Laser lipolysis allows you to effectively tighten the skin and make it elastic. The advantages of this technique, as well as the combination of laser lipolysis and liposuction surgery, were discussed for estet-portal.com by the candidate of medical sciences, plastic surgeon Viktor Yushchenko.
What is the difference between laser lipolysis and liposuction
Both laser lipolysis and liposuction are operations aimed at reducing body fat, however, these two methods are used in different areas. Liposuction is more focused on large areas – abdomen, flanks, back area, outer thighs.
While laser lipolysis is designed more for delicate areas where you need to remove a very small amount of fat, or not to remove it at all, but simply to reduce the skin. For example, patients who have lost weight after childbirth may have a good figure, but the skin remains flabby – laser lipolysis is the best choice for solving such problems, since this method avoids traumatic abdominoplasty.
We have the ability to effectively use laser lipolysis to eliminate jowls, as well as to work with fatty deposits and sagging skin in the knee area.
At the Nove Tilo Clinic, laser lipolysis is performed with a special cannula of the laser machine, which is inserted under the skin. The doctor passes the cannula fan-shaped in the required areas. Under the influence of the laser, there is a partial traumatization of fat cells, which begin to break down and be removed from the body through the lymphatic pathways. At the site of laser exposure, the effect of a surgical injury occurs, and platelets and other cells are sent to this area, which contribute to the regeneration and rejuvenation of this area.
For which delicate areas laser lipolysis is used
Laser lipolysis is especially effective when working with such a delicate area as the neck. Sometimes it happens that the patient underwent liposuction, and the skin on the neck still sags. With severe ptosis, we perform a surgical neck lift, however, with minor changes, we can achieve very good results with laser lipolysis. The combined use of liposuction in the neck area and laser lipolysis allows us to obtain a sharp cervico-chin angle, which is one of the most important markers of youth.
Is laser lipolysis used for other problems
Laser lipolysis can be used to treat hyperhidrosis. The procedure involves the destruction of the sweat glands with a laser. Before the procedure at the Nove Tilo Clinic, we will definitely perform the Minor test (iodine-starch test), which allows us to determine the degree of sweating activity, as well as the areas of greatest sweat secretion.
The Minor test allows you to clearly determine the area of laser exposure, and make the procedure as effective as possible.
During the procedure, the cannula of the laser machine is inserted into the armpit. Under the influence of a laser beam, the sweat glands are destroyed, due to which the symptoms of hyperhidrosis disappear in patients. Even if the sweat gland is not completely destroyed, under the influence of the laser beam, the nerve endings that regulate the work of the gland are damaged, and therefore, sweating does not bother the patient for a long time.
Laser lipolysis – it is an effective procedure that makes it possible to restore skin elasticity, as well as improve the result of liposuction of other areas.
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