Tumor or neoplasm – this word is known, perhaps, by every modern person. The problem of neoplasms is widespread in almost every branch of medicine, since tumors tend to affect completely different parts of the body, and the eyelids – not an exception. Eyelid skin tumors account for about 80% of all neoplasms in ophthalmology, and can develop in people of absolutely different ages. But at the same time, the word "tumor" is not a sentence, since a fairly large percentage of tumors are precisely benign neoplasms. Estet-portal.com talks about the main types of benign eyelid tumors and methods of their treatment.
The main types and methods of treatment of benign tumors of the eyelids
Benign tumors of the eyelids constitute the main group of all neoplasms of the skin of the eyelids. About 70% of them originate from epithelial cells. Papillomas, warts and keratoses – these are the primary sources of their growth. Much less often, benign tumors of the eyelids come from other tissues. It is rather difficult to indicate an unambiguous reason for the formation of benign neoplasms, since this issue has not been fully studied. An important role is played, first of all, by genetic predisposition and the influence of environmental factors. Treatment of such neoplasms should be carried out as early as possible, since there is always a possibility of their malignant degeneration.
Tumours of the eyelids:
- papilloma – a common type of eyelid tumor;
- features and methods of treatment of senile warts;
- senile keratosis – dangerous benign tumor of the eyelids.
Papilloma – widespread type of eyelid tumors
Papilloma accounts for about 30% of all benign tumors of the eyelids. Often this type of tumor affects patients after 60 years of age, and is formed on the lower eyelid. Papilloma is characterized by the following features:
- growth from skin elements and the presence of a well-developed stroma;
- good differentiation of cellular elements;
- thickening of the overlying epithelium;
- slow growth;
- presence of papillary growths of spherical or cylindrical shape.
Papilloma has a grayish-yellow color with a dirty coating, which is formed due to the horny plates covering the surface of the papillae. Malignancy of this kind of tumor occurs only in 1% of cases, and their removal is performed by surgical intervention.
Features and methods of treatment of senile warts
In patients over 50 years of age, a type of benign eyelid tumor such as senile wart may develop. This neoplasm has the appearance of a flat or somewhat protruding formation with even and clear boundaries. Senile warts are often localized in the region of the eyelids, temples, along the ciliary edge or in the intermarginal space, mainly of the lower eyelid. They have a yellow, gray or brown color, a dry and rough surface, horny plates are differentiated. The growth of such benign neoplasms of the eyelids is slow, and their malignant degeneration is extremely rare. Cases of malignancy are known, but always without metastasis. The most effective treatment for senile warts is cryosurgery or laser vaporization.
Senile keratosis – dangerous benign eyelid tumor
Senile keratosis – this is a rather dangerous type of benign eyelid tumors, since if left untreated, their malignancy occurs in almost 20% of cases. Senile keratosis develops mainly in old age – after 60-65 years. A tumor grows on those areas of the skin that are often exposed to sunlight, especially in the skin of the eyelids. The tumor is represented by multiple flat areas of white color, which are covered with scales. On microscopic examination, atrophy or thinning of the epidermis can be seen. Since the percentage of malignant degeneration of the tumor is quite high, its treatment should be carried out immediately. The most effective ways to get rid of senile keratosis is laser vaporization or cryosurgery.
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