Обновление кожи: современный способ выглядеть молодо и естественно

Issues of healthy longevity and preservation of youth have been the focus of scientific research for the last 20 years. In the mid-90s, Anti-aging medicine appeared, which is constantly expanding the range of proposed means, methods and medical technologies.

Certainly, you should not talk about aging only within the framework of skin care. However, it is the easily observed age-related changes in the skin that are often extremely worrying for our patients. Look good in your age category – modern trend. To date, there is a new solution for age-related manifestations – combination  therapeutic massage and skin renewal.

Read in the author's article by cosmetologist, geneticist, biologist, and the leading pHformula trainer in Ukraine Elena Tananko, about the mechanisms of skin aging, structural changes in tissues, as well as an effective skin renewal technology using a combination of several methods.

Biochemical and structural age-related changes in all skin layers

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Aging of the body – a complex biological process, which is characterized by metabolic, structural and functional changes in cells and tissues due to the depletion of the biological resource of the body.

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With age, resistance to metabolic stress steadily decreases and the possibility of continuous recovery weakens.

Our skin, just like a mirror, clearly demonstrates the changes taking place at a deep, molecular level.

Biochemical and structural changes in skin cells cause a decrease in the rate of physiological tissue regeneration and lead to their age-related involution.

Structural changes affect all areas of the skin: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat:

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1. Epidermis: redesign of the dermoepidermal junction; decrease in the content of collagen IV, Vll types, integrin;

2. Dermis: change in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the extracellular matrix.

3. PZhK: sclerosing, marked dystrophy in people with normal or underweight;

4. Microvasculature: sclerotic changes in the walls of arterioles and venules; thickening of the wall, change in the configuration and diameter of their lumen.

According to Elena Tananko, as a result of age-related changes, the pace of collagenogenesis slows down, collagen structures become thinner, and their architectonics is disturbed.

There is also atrophy of the elastin network, swelling of the intercellular substance of the papillary layer, a change in the structure of the fibroblastic differon, a decrease in the proliferative potential and the manifestation of the phenotype of fibroblast aging.

Fragmentation, degradation and hyperelastosis of the reticular layer occurs.

Age-related changes in the skin: a typical clinical picture of aging

After the age of 40, the so-called "age syndrome" develops, which includes six main clinical signs that clients complain about.

These include:

1.    wrinkles;

2.    flabbiness;

3.    dryness and roughness of the surface;

4.    pigmentation disorders;

5.    vascular network;

6.    Oval Changes

We cannot turn off the mechanisms of aging, but we can change the rate of natural age-related changes. Of course, this work is long and regular, requiring patience and discipline. To achieve a significant anti-aging effect, it is necessary to use both drugs that strengthen the barrier function, regulate the intercellular communication of the epidermis and dermis, and manual techniques.

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The therapeutic effect of massage is based on the change in mechanical stresses inside the underlying tissues. This leads to the activation of blood and lymph circulation, eliminates congestion, normalizes the metabolism of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and also restores muscle performance. Thanks to a combination of techniques, sluggish, loose, atonic skin restores elasticity and strength.

Photoaging – objective reality and solutions to the problem

Innovation system: mechanism of interaction between different methods

The pHformula brand introduced by Cosmetic Group is the benchmark for scientific skin renewal.

Our concept of effective anti-aging care is based on a combination of three components:

1.    controlled renewal in all layers of the skin;

2.    massage of the face in a technique involving all layers of the skin and muscles;

3.    multiple effects on the cellular mechanisms of aging by pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical preparations of the pHformula system.

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Manual technique  combines the techniques of Japanese Kobido massage and the rejuvenating and relaxing massage of the French school.

Third component – active action of organic acids. We are all well aware that preparations with a pH below three activate the dermis and stimulate the synthesis of collagen I, III, IV, increase the production of HAC, cytokines and growth factors, which significantly improves tissue architectonics.

Key aspects controlled skin renewal systems implement:

•    keratolytic effect;

•    control of irritation and redness;

•    stimulation of cellular regeneration in all layers of the skin;

•    directed growth of healthy cells from the inside;

•    excellent skin tolerance.

This approach  works great and shows great results in young patients 30-45 years old, and in combination with injection techniques - for middle-aged patients from 45 years old. Skin renewal using combined techniques – an indispensable procedure for those who want to preserve the health and youth of the skin for many years. about vitamins and vitamin cosmetics from pHformula laboratory

Combined Skin Resurfacing Protocol Before carrying out the combined skin renewal procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the stages of the technique and pHformula preparations, which are used in combination with manual massage. Skin renewal takes place in the following stages:

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As a result of the combined procedure, stagnation, pastosity and puffiness disappear, complexion and tone uniformity improve. The skin becomes radiant, full, looks smooth and even. The tone is also restored and the oval of the face is emphasized.

The therapeutic effect of massage significantly improves the psycho-emotional state of the patient, forms a positive attitude and prolongs the effect of the procedure.

Learn more about the new pHformula rejuvenation technique from

Cosmetic Group

at the workshop on April 16th.Thank you for staying with estet -portal.com. You may also be interested in other articles in the "Cosmetology" section: Preparing the skin for peels and injections: how to improve the results of aesthetic correction

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