Оксана Ромащенко о возможностях применения PRP-терапии в эстетической гинекологии

In recent years, aesthetic gynecology has attracted increasing interest from both specialists and patients. The main goal of this relatively new, but already very popular direction, & nbsp; is to improve a woman's quality of life. 

An interesting report on the use of PRP-therapy in aesthetic gynecology was presented by MD, professor, obstetrician-gynecologist, sexologist Oksana Romashchenko. What opportunities does platelet-rich plasma offer in solving gynecological problems – read in an exclusive interview for estet-portal.com right now. 

What procedures in aesthetic gynecology do you consider the most effective and in demand?

О.Р.: I work at the State Institution "Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", and in my scientific and practical activities as an obstetrician-gynecologist and sexopathologist I pay due attention  questions  aesthetic medicine. Therefore, dealing with issues of sexual and reproductive health in a single context, I believe that ensuring the quality of life of women of different ages  groups is fundamental.

I am currently using PRP therapy extensively, since the introduction of this  a new direction in practical medicine allows both preventing and effectively eliminating a range of gynecological disorders and  sexual dysfunctions in women of different age groups.

As our observations based on clinical and paraclinical analysis show, the use of plasma therapy in perimenopause – this opportunity is not only  effectively eliminate & nbsp; genitourinary disorders and sexual disorders (reduced lubrication, dyspareunia), which typically occur in most women of this age group, and to prevent them in a timely manner.

Simplicity, efficiency and safety of using platelet-rich plasma  in gynecological and urological practice provided a dominant position for the use of this method in a complex & nbsp; therapy in the elimination of medium-term age-related disorders.

Such a conceptual approach allows women to feel confident and youthful over time.

What problems can PRP therapy solve in the intimate area?

О.Р.: In sexual medicine, the use of PRP-therapy is given special attention, since the use of this technique can be promising in eliminating the spectrum of sexual dysfunctions (with impaired lubrication, atrophic changes in the urogenital tract, genitourinary disorders).

The use of platelet-rich plasma can be effective in the complex therapy of chronic pelvic pain, varying degrees of dyspareunia, vulvodynia, vestibulodynia, even vaginismus.

The use of PRP-therapy at the stage of rehabilitation of sexual function in the postpartum period,  in the elimination of complications after various types of both conservative and surgical treatment, is included in the traditional arsenal of restorative therapy.

One thing is certain: the use of PRP-therapy in gynecological, urological, sexological practice is promising, since it provides the necessary comfort for a woman's life.

Learn more: Updating aesthetic gynecology. What new knowledge do doctors need.

How important is it for patients to prescribe hormonal stabilization drugs along with PRP therapy?

OR: It is well known that age-related changes in women of elegant age are due to qualitative changes
in the system of hormonal homeostasis.

When an estrogen deficiency develops gradually, over 10-20 years or more, it is advisable to correct changes in various organs and systems, with the appointment of & nbsp; both systemic and  and topical menopausal therapy.

But not all women are shown this, and they do not always want to resort to using such methods. In this case,  in the prevention and elimination of medium-term age-related disorders, namely genitourinary syndrome, & nbsp; PRP therapy may be the treatment of choice.

Observations made among patients of this age group in our clinic allow us to say this with increasing confidence!

Do you think it is necessary for doctors of different specialties to work together to solve different gynecological problems?

O.R.: I believe that the solution to this or that medical problem  is simplified in the case of involving specialists who in one way or another are in contact with this problem. This helps to make the right decision, taking into account all the components of an ambiguous question.

The solution of any medical problem based on the principles of an interdisciplinary approach allows you to expand the horizon of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities, and contributes to an increase in efficiency in achieving a positive result.  

Probably, this is part of the components of medical art, which you comprehend throughout your life.

Find out more: Aesthetic gynecology - new trends.

In your opinion, can dermatologists practice aesthetic gynecology?

О.Р.: I think that a doctor who is well versed in the technique, knows the features of the anatomical and physiological functioning of the body, takes into account the possibility of complications and understands how much his actions are associated with certain risks, can allow to realize oneself in various branches of medicine, including in & nbsp; aesthetic gynecology.

It is always good when the interests of specialists from different medical specialties coincide. And in this case, our main interest – it is about helping a woman improve her quality of life.

And I believe that all of us, gynecologists, urologists, and dermatologists, can join our efforts to achieve such a worthy goal.

Note that estet-portal.com talked to Oksana Romashchenko at the seventh conference from the series "Portrait of a Difficult Patient", organized by the President of the Association of Aesthetic Gynecology and Andrology Vladlena Averina.

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