Inflammatory diseases make up a huge percentage of all pathology of the female genital organs. Features of the structure of the female reproductive system to some extent predispose to the occurrence of infectious processes, since the genitals of a woman are quite open and vulnerable to environmental factors. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the best method of preventing inflammatory processes. Otherwise, the infection can affect both the external and internal genital organs of a woman. Bartholinitis - inflammation of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina, is one of these inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia.

Main symptoms and treatments for bartholinitis

Bartolinitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the Bartholin's gland. This gland is a steam room and is located at the base of the labia majora, directly in their thickness. The infection develops as a result of the introduction of bacteria into this area, which most often happens with insufficient hygiene of the external genital organs. The most common etiological factors for the occurrence of this inflammatory process are staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, as well as gonococci and Trichomonas. A characteristic symptom of bartholinitis is the development of a kind of tumor on the labia, which is very frightening for women. However, with the right approach to treatment, the disease can be completely eliminated.


  • canaliculitis - inflammation of the duct of the Bartholin gland;
  • clinical picture of bartholinitis: characteristic symptoms;
  • conservative and surgical treatment of bartholinitis.

Canaliculitis - inflammation of the duct of the Bartholin's gland

Bartholin's glands, like all other glands of the body, have their own ducts. This gland produces a secret necessary to maintain a normal degree of moisture in the entrance to the vagina. If the infectious process develops directly in the duct of the gland, a canaliculitis disease occurs, which precedes bartholinitis. In this case, the excretory duct of the Bartholin gland becomes blocked and a pseudo-abscess of the Bartholin gland occurs. Patients complain of general weakness and discomfort in the vulva, body temperature may rise to subfebrile values. Visually, canaliculitis looks like a red swollen spot on the inside of the labia majora.

Clinical picture of bartholinitis: characteristic symptoms

Bartholinitis occurs when the infectious process spreads to the parenchyma of the gland itself and its adjacent tissue. In this case, a real abscess of the gland is formed, which looks like a large tumor-like formation on the labia majora, which is sharply painful during palpation. The woman is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • febrile temperature;
  • chills;
  • severe headache;
  • sharp pain in the genital area, both during movement and at rest.

An abscess that occurs with bartholinitis may open itself. In this case, the patient's condition improves significantly. But after some time there is a relapse of the inflammatory process.


Conservative and surgical treatment of bartholinitis

The treatment of bartholinitis depends on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed. If a patient seeks medical help in the acute stage of canaliculitis, she is prescribed antibiotic therapy in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen to drugs. A good effect is also given by sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate, applying an ice pack several times a day, ointment applications and physiotherapy: UHF and ultraviolet irradiation. In the case of the formation of an abscess in the region of the labia majora, the patient requires surgical treatment. The duct of the gland is opened at the site of the most pronounced fluctuation, drained, the mucous membrane is everted and sutured to the vulvar mucosa. If recurrent bartholinitis occurs, it is necessary to completely remove the gland along with the Bartholin duct.

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