In today's world, breast augmentation surgery has become very popular. This is primarily due to the fashion for large breasts, as well as the development of new technologies, devices for performing operations and breast implants. Now most women dream of increasing their breast size, and some of them decide on breast plastic surgery. Like any other medical procedure, breast plastic surgery can have a number of negative consequences and complications. They can worsen the condition and appearance of a woman. Therefore, when deciding to correct the creation of nature in an artificial way, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Breast surgery. Complications and “behavior” of breast implants

The likelihood of complications depends on the technique, surgical instruments, type of operation, the size of the woman's breast and mammary gland implants, as well as on the physiological characteristics of her body. Complications are specific, which are associated with the breast implant, and non-specific, which are due to the reaction of the body.

Non-specific complications after breast augmentation:

  • Inflammation. This complication may occur when the prescribed antibacterial drugs are ineffective after surgery.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the breast. If the integrity of the gland tissue is violated, the innervation of the skin is disturbed. Women for whom the breast in the intimate process plays an important role in arousal should think about the advisability of breast plastic surgery. After all, having received a beautiful voluminous breast, you can stop feeling it the way you used to. Sensitivity is restored only six months after breast plastic surgery. For many women, this is even more of a hassle than small breasts.
  • Seroma. This is the accumulation of blood and lymph in the tissue of the gland, which is provoked by damage to the vessels of the mammary gland. Seroma can pass on its own in a few days, if the process is not resolved, the liquid is removed under ultrasound control with a special syringe. In rare cases, a second operation is required.
  • Capsular fibrous contracture. This complication appears rarely and not immediately, but after a couple of years. This is a kind of reaction of a woman's body to a foreign body. A capsule is formed in the breast tissue that separates the breast implant from the breast tissue. In this case, the breast becomes hard, deformed and its asymmetry is observed.
  • Keloid scars. Before the operation, the question of the possibility of such a complication in women who have features of connective tissue regeneration should be discussed. The surgeon should ask the woman how her scars and wounds have previously healed to warn of the consequences. With the development of a keloid scar, steroid preparations are injected into the scar, and cryotherapy methods are also used. With timely treatment, the scar disappears without a trace after several procedures.

Specific implant-related complications after breast augmentation:

  • Breast implant misalignment. When performing breast plastic surgery using axillary access, implant displacement may develop. This occurs with the active movements of the woman's hands and manifests itself in the late postoperative period. This complication can be corrected only after a second operation. Also, displacement of the breast implant can be observed if the operation is not planned correctly or if the anatomical features of the breast are not taken into account.
  • Irregularities of the mammary gland. Such a complication occurs with a small breast size that a woman wants to increase. In the case of a small gland, very little tissue remains above the implant that cannot securely fix the breast implant, and it changes its shape. This complication is also corrected by a second operation.
  • Rupture of the prosthesis. This complication occurs when performing a closed capsulotomy. Breaks are caused by trauma. Often, rupture of the prosthesis occurs when the breast implant shell is thin or when the valves fail.
  • Implant deflation. When placing inflatable breast implants, as well as when using double-shell implants, the implant may lose its volume.

This defect can also be observed with passive diffusion of isotonic saline through the breast implant shell or through the injection port.

Breast implants - a way to desired beauty or inconvenience?

When a woman has a desire to increase her breasts and be more beautiful, she should understand that, perhaps, with the addition of beauty, her health will decrease. Beauty is not an eternal phenomenon, but health is useful to every woman. An operation with the use of anesthesia is a strong stress for the body. At the same time, he is very weakened. The occurrence of adverse reactions and complications increases if a woman has concomitant pathologies of the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems. Many women are concerned about breastfeeding after surgery. Experts say that this is possible, but still, constant microtrauma to the operated gland will not have a positive effect on the well-being and appearance of the breast.

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