Algodysmenorrhea is familiar to almost every second woman, as it is a painful manifestation of the onset of menstruation. Pain in the first days of menstruation can be aching or cramping, sometimes so intense that it completely disables the woman. Pain in algomenorrhea may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders. The causes of algomenorrhea may depend on the congenital characteristics of the woman's body or be explained by the presence of acquired diseases. It is important for a doctor to know the causes of algomenorrhea in order to choose the right treatment tactics.

Causes of algomenorrhea causing suffering to the patient

Algodysmenorrhea is usually assumed in those patients who come to the gynecologist with complaints that they feel absolutely sick in the first days of menstruation. Against the background of general malaise - with dizziness and headache, with excessive sweating and significant swelling, with intestinal disorders and nausea, and sometimes with vomiting - there are severe pains in the abdomen. The pain can be dull and aching, or it can have cramping manifestations and force the woman to take handfuls of painkillers. After two or three days, the pain subsides, the body begins to function normally - until the next menstruation.

Since algomenorrhea significantly reduces the quality of life of a woman, it is necessary to understand the causes of its development in order to develop a tactic for treating this disease. Among the main causes of algomenorrhea are the following:

primary dysmenorrhea:

  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • neuropsychogenic disorders;

secondary dysmenorrhea:

  • diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (inflammatory and non-inflammatory);
  • surgical interventions in the uterus;
  • complicated labor or abortion.

Methods of treatment of algodysmenorrhea are selected based on the collection of an anamnesis and studies carried out to accurately determine the causes of the disease.

Primary algomenorrhea - causes and signs

The causes of algomenorrhea, which are manifested by severe pain in girls almost immediately after they begin menstruation, may be an anomaly in the development of the uterus:

  • hyperanteflexia,
  • cervical atresia,
  • hypoplasia.

With an abnormal uterus, obstructions are created for the outflow of blood or the extensibility of the organ is disturbed, which causes pain. The hormonal cause of algomenorrhea can be hidden in a violation of the synthesis and breakdown of prostaglandins, which causes vasospasm, increased uterine contractions and the development of severe pain. Neuropsychogenic causes of algomenorrhea can be age-related rejection of oneself, a critical attitude towards appearance, and denial of one's own sexuality. All these problems can affect the lowering of the threshold of pain sensitivity, causing algomenorrhea.

Secondary dysmenorrhea - why pain occurs

Symptomatic or secondary algodysmenorrhea is usually characteristic of women over thirty years of age and develops against the background of certain diseases, for example:

  • adenomyosis,
  • endometriosis,
  • uterine fibroids.

The essence of the origin of such pains also lies in the violation of the outflow of blood and the release of prostaglandins, but the reasons for such deviations lie in the development of the adhesive process after inflammatory diseases, in the desquamation of endometrial areas and irritation of the nerve fibers, in the intense contraction of the uterus.

The cause of algomenorrhea can be damage to the cervix during abortions and difficult childbirth, unsuccessful installation of an intrauterine device, as well as varicose veins of the small pelvis.

Thus, in order to determine the best way to treat the pain and discomfort of a woman that she feels during menstruation, it is necessary to know the causes of algomenorrhea and select therapy tactics based on the characteristics of a particular patient.

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