Почему нельзя сочетать ботулотоксин и алкоголь

Injection techniques lead the list of the most effective and popular cosmetic procedures. Particularly in demand among them is the procedure for the introduction of botulinum toxin preparations for the correction of mimic facial wrinkles. At the moment, patients are no longer afraid of the word "toxin", as they are well aware of the safety of such drugs.

However, there are a number of important restrictions after botulinum toxin administration, and these include the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Why you can not combine alcohol and botulinum toxin – read on estet-portal.com in today's article.

Why is it strictly forbidden to combine alcohol and botulinum toxin

Injections of botulinum toxin preparations allow you to get a really amazing effect: wrinkles on the face are smoothedand the skin acquires a healthy and young appearance. Since cosmetologists perform this procedure very often, and patients are quite familiar with its features, they are in a hurry to leave the specialist’s office after the procedure without listening to the necessary recommendations.

Unfortunately, it is the wrong skin care and careless attitude to one's health after botulinum toxin injections that can lead to negative consequences.

It is important to remember that some activities, such as the combination of botulinum toxin and alcohol, are strictly prohibited, as this can lead to very negative consequences.

Botulinum toxin and alcohol:

  • major contraindications and complications after botulinum toxin injections;
  • what are the consequences of combining botulinum toxin and alcohol;
  • how to avoid the effects of combining botulinum toxin and alcohol.

Main contraindications and complications after botulinum toxin injections

First of all, in order not to harm the patient's body, the specialist must remember in which cases botulinum toxin injections are not recommended. The main contraindications are:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • presence of inflammatory processes at the site of the intended injections;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.



If botulinum toxin injections are performed in cases where they are contraindicated,  the patient may face the following complications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the body;
  • headache and others.

What are the consequences of combining botulinum toxin and alcohol

Why can't you combine botulinum toxin and alcohol? The answer to this question lies in the specifics of the effects of alcoholic beverages on the human body. The fact is that the use of alcohol causes the expansion of blood vessels, because of which the blood circulates more freely, and the metabolic processes in the body proceed faster. An accelerated metabolism will cause the botulinum toxin to be eliminated from the body faster, and the patient will experience the following unpleasant effects:

  • weakly expressed result of the procedure;
  • redness and hematomas at the injection site due to damage to small blood vessels;
  • facial symmetry disorder: this is a serious problem that can only be corrected by removing botulinum toxin from the body;
  • loss of control over the eyelid or some facial muscles – it may take from several weeks to several months to resolve such a problem.

How to avoid the effects of combining botulinum toxin and alcohol

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences that occur after combining botulinum toxin and alcohol, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • two days prior to botulinum toxin injections it is necessary to completely avoid the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol for another two weeks;
  • do not exercise yourself for two days after the procedure;
  • not earlier than 5 hours after the procedure, you can take a horizontal position of the body, before that – strictly vertical.

The combination of botulinum toxin and alcohol is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences that cause a serious blow not only to the appearance, but also to the general condition of the patient.

That is why it is so important to warn him in time about the need to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, which will help to get the best result of the procedure. estet-portal.com thanks you for your attention.

See also: "Botulinum toxin: a terrible poison or an invaluable medicine".

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