Sudden exanthema is very widespread, this disease affects almost every third child under the age of three, it occurs in adolescents and sometimes in adults, but the correct and timely diagnosis of this disease is extremely rare. First, sudden exanthema has a very rapid course, so that in the process of diagnosis, its symptoms may already disappear. Secondly, characteristic skin rashes may not appear at all, everything will be limited to a very high temperature and malaise. However, the doctor should be alerted to a severe fever in the child, not accompanied by other symptoms, and lead to assume that he has a sudden exanthema.

Features of the development and course of sudden exanthema

The causative agent of sudden exanthema is the herpes virus, or rather its representatives of the 6th and 7th types. Moreover, HHV-6 is considered the main causative agent of the disease, and the HHV-7 type acts as a cofactor. In young children, these types of herpes cause skin rashes in the form of small pink spots all over the body. In adolescents, the same viruses can cause urinary tract infection, and also without clear symptoms. In adults, these types of herpes virus are responsible for the development of chronic fatigue syndrome and lymphadenopathy.

The virus that causes sudden exanthema spreads by airborne droplets, the peak incidence occurs in autumn. Sudden exanthema begins with a sudden rise in temperature to very high rates, which lasts about three days and decreases only after taking antipyretic drugs, mainly in the morning. Against the background of high temperature, febrile convulsions are possible. Fever may be accompanied by weakness, nausea, but there is no runny nose or cough. In young children with sudden exanthema, lymph nodes may swell, eyelids swell, the throat looks reddened and with a small rash on the palate.

After three days, the temperature drops, the patient feels well, and the disease seems to have subsided. It was at this time that rashes appear on the skin - first on the back and stomach, and then all over the body. The rash looks like dotted or small rounded pink spots, does not cause itching and does not merge, is not contagious to others, disappears on its own in 2-3 days.

Skin rashes may not appear at all with sudden exanthema. Often this disease develops against the background of cutting teeth in a baby, and the high temperature is attributed to this cause, while it is the cutting teeth, as a weakening factor in the body, that cause the activation of the herpes virus.

Diagnosis, treatment and possible complications of sudden exanthema

Sudden exanthema is not preventable by vaccines and does not require specific treatment. Antipyretic drugs are symptomatically prescribed, if necessary, antihistamines and antivirals. The transferred disease forms a stable immunity and does not return.

Patients with reduced immunity may develop meningoencephalitis, myocarditis against the background of sudden exanthema, but, as a rule, the disease ends successfully. However, researchers note that children who have experienced sudden exanthema are more likely than their peers to get colds and go to doctors about the accelerated growth of adenoids.

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