Преимущества комбинированных техник инъекций в anti-age косметологии

Aesthetic medicine specialists are currently interested in regenerative technologies, the purpose of which is to stimulate self-repair of tissues.

To achieve this goal, ABG LAB LLC (USA) offers a line of drugs based on synthetic biopeptides.

estet-portal.com notes that combined injection techniques with these drugs have significant advantages compared to mono-procedures, and suggests considering them in more detail.

Quality preparations and injection techniques – basis for the success of procedures

Thanks to ongoing research in aesthetic medicine, the concepts of facial aging in general have expanded, and in particular, the features of changes in the structure of the skin, the aging of the ligamentous apparatus, age-related vascular changes, and the features of aging of subcutaneous fat.

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To comprehensively influence the causes of these age-related changes, the preparations developed by ABG LAB, which contain active ingredients, are capable of providing a qualitative result, taking into account the mechanisms of aging.  They help facial tissues use their own vital resources and start natural rejuvenation processes at the cellular level.

The line of innovative drugs is represented by Emet™. All of them are fully consistent with the SelfRegeneration approach, which provides for the stimulation of tissue self-healing, and at the same time each of them solves its own task, since it was created taking into account the impact on certain causes of skin aging.

•    Meso-Wharton P199™ medical grade injectable with its unique ingredient Wharton Jelly Peptide P199™ activates the skin's own stem cells, thereby increasing the qualitative and quantitative cell pool, improving the condition of the extracellular matrix of the skin. It also affects the migration of mesenchymal stem cells, which are recruited from the subcutaneous tissue, penetrate the dermis and differentiate into fibroblasts.

•    Thus, the need for multilevel administration of Meso-Wharton P199™ for maximum activation of own mesenchymal stem cells: superficially – intradermally by microinjection with a needle; deep – hypodermally, by cannula or infiltration into the deep layers of the face in the projection of the ligamentous apparatus of the face.

•    Meso-Xantin F199 provides activation of its own antioxidant system, epigenetically restores cell DNA in case of damage, preventing the accumulation of errors in cells during their vital activity and division. Thanks to the action of the drug, the cells remain healthy, fully perform their functions, and the skin retains youth.
•    The volume in the periorbital region is largely due to excess fluid in the intercellular space, and in the lower third of the face – hypertrophy and migration of fat packages. Combined use of MesoEye C71 and MesoSculpt C71 injectables

Combination of cosmetic techniques in the treatment of stretch marks on the skin

Beautician's task – stimulate self-renewal processes. This is possible by activating your own antioxidant system, preventing the accumulation of errors in the process of life, stimulating mesenchymal stem cells, facilitating their migration from the hypodermis, gentle liporeduction and activation of the three links of microcirculation – arterial, venous and lymphatic components. This is the SelfRegeneration technique: "4M".

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Combined Injection Techniques: Benefits and Results

Clinical studies have shown that long-established ABG LAB injectables can be used in new ways and combined with great results. So, for example, the injection technique for working with age-related skin changes deserves the attention of cosmetologists - SelfRegeneration: «4M».

Expert opinion:

Self Regeneration concept: possibilities of application for different aging morphotypes

Advantages of SelfRegeneration technique: "4M" ;


Special technique aimed at simultaneous self-renewal of all layers of the face: skin, ligaments, fat, blood vessels

For whom it is necessary

Patients with signs of impaired microcirculation in the area around the eyes: pronounced “circles” under eyes, thin skin and risk of hernial sacs;

for people with “problem skin”, skin that has a dull color, signs of loss of skin elasticity, pigmentation disorders;

for patients with symptoms  local increase in subcutaneous fat and swelling;

for people with signs of visualization of the ligamentous apparatus of the face

How it is implemented

Meso-Xantin F199 intradermal microinjection technique + Meso-Wharton P199 intradermal microinjection technique in the area around the eyes Meso-Eye C71 + Meso-Sculpt C71 hypodermal infiltration technique into superficial facial fat pads


One Meso-Xantin F199 syringe + one Meso-Wharton P199 syringe + one Meso-Eye C71 syringe + one Meso-Sculpt C71 syringe per treatment, 2 treatments once a year


All layers of the face are simultaneously self-renewing: skin, ligaments, blood vessels, superficial fat packs of the face;

wrinkle expression decreases, skin elasticity improves;

skin looks younger, “cleared” and the color is aligned (luxury skin);

face contours and ovals are rejuvenated,

lifting is observed due to a decrease in subcutaneous fat and an increase in the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus of the face, especially in its terminal part, attached to the skin;

the look becomes younger, the severity of dark circles and puffiness in the area around the eyes decreases.

Thus, the application of the technique

SelfRegeneration: "4M" - the introduction of 4 drugs from Emet™ at different levels, makes it possible to visibly increase the turgor and elasticity of the skin on the face, cope with pronounced wrinkles and flabbiness in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and neck, restore young facial contours, guaranteed to achieve the planned anti-aging result.

The possibilities of fillers to achieve harmony in the forms and features of the face

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