Formation of dark circles under the eyes – it is a problem that every person has faced at least once in their life. Many daily factors such as lack of sleep, eye strain, stress, bad habits and many other negative influences can contribute to the fact that a person wakes up in the morning and sees bruises under the eyes, with which they immediately rush to the beautician.

But before fixing the problem, the specialist needs to deal with the cause of circles under the eyes. On, read about how the color of circles under the eyes will help to find out the cause of their occurrence, and what means will then help to effectively solve this problem.

How to determine the cause of circles under the eyes by skin color

Determining the cause of circles under the eyes is one of the very important skills of cosmetologists, since so many patients face this problem, and they need the help of a qualified specialist.

There is an easy way to determine the cause of dark circles under the eyes: you need to gently press with your fingertips on the lower eyelid, slightly pulling it down, and holding it in this position for 30 seconds.

If after that the skin darkened – the reason is the age of the patient or genetics, if brightened – in the accumulation of blood, if the color has not changed – the reason is allergies, excessive insolation or excessive pigment concentration, and if the circles become less noticeable – you should look for a problem with the vessels.

The most common causes of circles under the eyes

Most often under the eyes there are dark circles of bluish, reddish, yellow and brown shades. It is extremely important to pay attention to such a detail as the color of the skin in the problem area, as it directly indicates the cause of circles under the eyes:

1. Blue circles under the eyes

The presence of dark circles of blue or blue-violet color under the eyes most often indicates a violation of microcirculation and excessive accumulation of blood in the vessels under the eyes. When microcirculation is disturbed, the cells experience a lack of oxygen, so the skin changes its color to blue - hypoxic. Such circles are especially noticeable in the morning, because after a long stay in a horizontal position, fluid accumulates under the eyes, and the veins expand. With age, the severity of blue circles increases, as the skin becomes thinner, and the vessels appear through it.


2. Red circles under the eyes

The cause of circles under the eyes of red or red-violet color is most often microhemorrhages of blood vessels located in the area under the eyes. The expanded walls of the vessels allow microscopic hemorrhages to occur, as a result of which the released hemoglobin is oxidized, darkens and changes color from red to red-violet. A genetic factor can also be the cause of circles under the eyes: in people with pale skin, blood vessels are brightly translucent, giving the skin under the eyes a reddish tint.


3. Yellow and brown circles under the eyes

The cause of yellow and brown circles under the eyes is most often hyperpigmentation – excessive accumulation of melanin. It is provoked by frequent mechanical damage to the skin of the eyelids, as well as excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. The tendency to pigmentation can also be genetically determined, especially in people with darker skin tones.


It is the knowledge of the main cause of circles under the eyes that will help you choose the right remedy to effectively solve this problem.

Blue circles are well treated with preparations containing components that stimulate microcirculation, as well as stainless steel applicators that help the vessels contract. For red circles, products containing retinol and components that strengthen blood vessels should be selected, and whitening and brightening components should be part of the products used to eliminate yellow and brown circles under the eyes.

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