
Use of Radiesse: Efficacy Criteria

To correct age-related changes in the face, various injectable preparations are used, but the basic components responsible for the formation of volume in all such fillers are, as a rule, either calcium hydroxyapatite or hyaluronic acid. Each doctor makes his choice which drug to prefer based on the wishes and individual characteristics of the patient, his age, health status and other factors. In order to make the choice optimal, offers to consider some of the features of the Radiesse preparation from Merz Aesthetics based on calcium hydroxyapatite and  fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Features of the use of drugs based on HAC in comparison with fillers based on HA

Today, in cosmetology, biodegradable preparations are used to create facial volumes and contours – such as calcium hydroxyapatite and hyaluronic acid. Their main and common property, which became the basis for filler manufacturers to make a choice in their favor – full biocompatibility with the tissues of the human body. Both calcium hydroxyapatite and hyaluronic acid are found in our body as integral structural components of various tissues, and therefore their presence in the composition of injectable preparations does not cause negative reactions, and over time, both of these substances are excreted from the body naturally.

For hyaluronic acid, the biodegradation and elimination time is approximately 6 months, and for calcium hydroxyapatite – 8-9 months on average.

Due to its texture, calcium hydroxyapatite, as part of the filler, is able to very well replenish facial volumes lost during age-related changes and keep them unchanged for a long time due to stimulation of neocollagenogenesis, angiogenesis and improvement of elastin quality. Under the influence of calcium hydroxyapatite, the dermis thickens and the quality of the skin improves for a long period – a year or more.

Criteria for the effectiveness of fillers in correcting age-related changes

The main criteria for the effectiveness of the filler are considered to be the achievement of an optimal lifting effect and stimulation of the production of own collagen and elastin. The successful lifting effect of the drug depends on its viscosity and elasticity.

The viscosity of a filler is a property of a substance that determines its ability to withstand a force that is applied to it, and determines the ability of a substance to move in response to a force.

Highly viscous materials require more force to move or cause them to migrate into the surrounding tissue than less viscous materials. Lower viscosity fillers tend to migrate easily and spread into surrounding tissues.

Radiesse has a higher viscosity than most commonly used hyaluronic acid fillers, meaning Radiesse stays where it is injected and does not migrate into surrounding tissues.


Filler elasticity – is the ability of a material to repel a force that is applied to it.

Fillers with a high degree of elasticity successfully resist the force applied to them - such as gravity, skin stretching, etc., due to this, a greater lifting effect is provided. Fillers with a low level of elasticity are not able to tighten the tissues as effectively, and therefore, when they are used, a larger volume of the drug is required to compensate.

Radiesse has higher elasticity than leading HA products. He is capable of better & nbsp; counteract gravity, fight skin laxity and provide a greater lifting effect in the tissues.


Radiesse belongs to the group of true volumizers — it does not move or migrate, as it has the highest index of important rheological properties: viscosity and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid is viscous, it must be used to create a uniform volume, but it is not able to replenish the point volume.

In the practice of a doctor – A cosmetologist often needs preparations with high viscosity and elasticity. After all, they provide an instant and predictable effect, which is achieved immediately after the introduction and lasts for a long period.

For example, the Radiesse lifting filler is often used to correct nasolabial folds resulting from age-related changes. It provides excellent lifting effect and 1:1 filling effect.

A single application of Radiesse 1.5 ml allows you to even out medium (WSRS 2) and deep (WSRS 3) nasolabial folds, significantly improve skin condition. This effect lasts for a long period and is characterized by the complete satisfaction of both the patient and the doctor.



  1. Sundaram H, Voigts B, Beer K, Meland M. Comparison of rheological properties of viscosity and elasticity on two categories of soft tissue fillers: calcium hydroxyapatite and hyaluronic acid. Dermatol Surg. 2010; 36:p1859-1865.
  2. Kablik J, et al. Comparative physical properties of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Dermatol Surg. 2009; 35:p302–312.
  3. Bass LS, Smith S, Busso M, McClaren M. Calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) for the treatment of nasolabial folds: long-term safety and efficacy. Aesthet Surg J. 2010 Mar; 30(2): p235-238.

Merz Aesthetics


  • Comments (10)

    12 октября 2016, 11:01

    Работаю с подобными препаратами, есть хороший результат по мнению клиентов - все остаются довольны, по крайней мере. Конкретно с этим препаратом не работала, хотя - хотелось бы... Подскажите пожалуйста - где и когда я могу пройти обучение, если есть такая возможность? Спасибо!

  • Comments (10)

    13 октября 2016, 06:21

    Работаю косметологом уже больше пяти лет. Есть постоянные клиенты, которые трепетно относятся к своей внешности и не пропускают новинки. Я в своей практике стараюсь также использовать новые и передовые технологии. Об этих филлерах читала статью, но не знала, что они уже доступны у нас в стране. Где и когда можно пройти обучение по работе с филлерами Radiesse?

  • Comments (10)

    Эльвира Пасынкова#1006
    13 октября 2016, 16:29

    Мне интересен результат от косметологического лифтинга, Видела информацию о мастер-классе или курсах по данной процедуре. Вот нашла, как называется "Волюмизация, лифтинг и контур с выраженной стимуляцией коллагена в одной процедуре с помощью препарата Radiesse». Я начинающий косметолог, очень хотела бы поучиться, набраться опыта и использовать в своей работе данную методику. Проживаю в Поволжье. Где и когда возможно посетить мастер-класс, могу приехать. Спасибо!

  • Comments (10)

    13 октября 2016, 18:54

    Знала про эти филлеры но не знала что уже есть в России. Некоторые продвинутые клиенты не однократно спрашивали про эту процедуру. Не подскажите когда и где будут в Москве ближайшие семинарные компании. Как туда можно записаться и сколько это все будет стоить. Люди спрашивают, а я и не знаю что им отвечать, все хотят эту новинку попробовать, клиенты темпераментные.

  • Comments (10)

    17 октября 2016, 20:52

    У меня проблема - носогубки, овал лица оставляет желать лучшего. Год назад мне кололи другой филер. Не скажу, что результата не было, но не в полной мере тот, на который я рассчитывала. Хотелось бы попробовать данный препарат Radiesse. Буду искать косметолога, который его уже применяет и имеет практику. Надеюсь, что результат меня удовлетворит полностью.

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