Процедура карбокситерапии: инъекции углекислого газа в эстетической медицине

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules (a by-product of cell vital activity).

When a small amount of carbon dioxide is injected into the target area during the carboxytherapy treatment, the "loaded" Oxygenated red blood cells are sent to areas of high gas content in order to naturally remove it from the body.

As a result of increase in oxygen flow to the treated area, its cells become more active. As a result, the processes of healing and the formation of new cells, necessary for rejuvenation, are accelerated.

In this article, estet-portal.com Dr. Daniel Sister will talk about possibilities of injection carboxytherapy for solving aesthetic problems.

Injectable carboxytherapy: side effects and contraindications

Injectable carboxytherapy

is multiple subcutaneous microinjections of medical carbon dioxide at a controlled dosage. During the procedure, patients may experience a slight sensation of discomfort, pressure or burning as the gas is delivered to the tissues, as well as


. Other side effects of carboxytherapy may include slight


and redness due to vasodilatation, which persist for 1-5 days depending on the area treated. For

cellulite treatment

, the sensation of warmth may remain in the target area for up to 24 hours.

Skin repair after invasive procedures: possibilities of carboxytherapy With regard to


to the procedure, these include:

disturbances in the work of the lungs and kidneys;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • taking carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide, dichlorphenamide);
  • anemia;
  • chronic liver failure;
  • gas gangrene.

My default image

Fig. 1: Nasolabial folds and marionette lines on the face (A) before and (B) after 12 carboxytherapy sessions; sessions were performed twice a week for the first 3 weeks, and then – once a week for 6 weeks

l. Injection carboxytherapy to reduce local fat deposits

Due to the destruction of adipose tissue and the release of triglycerides into the intercellular space, the

lipolytic effect

of injection carboxytherapy is provided. Injectable carboxytherapy is multiple subcutaneous microinjections of medical grade carbon dioxide at a controlled dosage.

According to
results of a study by Brandi et al.

, published in the journal Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, carbon dioxide injections provide a significant reduction in body fat (based on comparison of measurements of the maximum girth of the hips, knees and abdomen before and after the course of procedures). At the injection site, CO


is distributed to nearby tissues and continues to act, releasing bradykinin, serotonin, histamine and catecholamines, which stimulate beta-adrenergic receptors, starting the process of destruction of fat cells – lipolysis. When carbon dioxide comes into contact with fat, it diffuses, including into red blood cells, where it attaches to hemoglobin and directs oxygen to the tissues for further metabolic reactions.

Mechanism of action of carboxytherapy:

Carbon dioxide mechanically destroys fat cells, violating the integrity of their membranes.
  1. Carbon dioxide has a powerful vasodilating effect on the capillaries of the treated area, which increases blood flow.
  2. CO
  3. 2
  4. increases skin elasticity and promotes rejuvenation of the dermiss.

Control of couperosis and rosacea: possibilities of non-invasive carboxytherapy Carbon dioxide injections for dark circles under the eyes

One of the reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes is

circulatory disorders

in this area. In case of obstruction due to chronic allergic nasal congestion, fracture or deviated septum,

the drainage process is impaired

as is the blood flow to the lower eyelids. The translucence of the vessels is the result of

thinning of the skin



acts on the capillary network of the lower eyelid and also increases the dermal collagen layer. Microinjections of carbon dioxide into this area can increase blood flow and form better capillary networks. The effect after the procedure lasts for about 6 months

in. Correction of stretch marks and cellulite: possibilities of injection carboxytherapy

Injection carboxytherapy is effective in the treatment of newly formed

red striae

. In some cases, one treatment is enough to correct the problem, however, most patients need several sessions at intervals of 2-4 weeks, depending on the "age" of the patient. stretch marks.


– a consequence of a number of biochemical and metabolic changes at the level of intercellular substance and connective tissue, including:

changes in pH level;

increase in free radicals;
  • temperature changes;
  • changes in redox reactions;
  • lymphostasis.
  • Combined rejuvenation techniques: carboxytherapy and invasive procedures

When the amount of glycosaminoglycans responsible for microcirculation decreases, there is a deceleration of microcirculation and a decrease in circulating blood volume.

This entails changes in the form of new fat cells, swelling and fibrosis. In turn, fibroblasts begin to produce more collagen, which leads to the appearance of "orange peel".

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When carbon dioxide is injected into the affected area, the vessels expand, microcirculation accelerates. The tissue receives more oxygen, toxins are removed more efficiently, puffiness is eliminated. Due to the therapeutic effect of carbon dioxide, the morphology and functionality of microcirculation is restored: the volume of circulating blood and the speed of its flow increase, the amount of interstitial fluid decreases, hypodermal fat and fibrous tissue are destroyed.

After a few weeks

improvement of local metabolism

Adapted from Prime magazine.