Рибофлавин − доступный и эффективный нутриент в профилактике и лечении мигрени

According to a study by researchers from the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The University of Texas Medical School, Houston, USA, riboflavin can significantly reduce the severity of headache in patients with migraine by background of deficiency of vitamin B2 and other individual micronutrients.

Learn in the article on estet-portal.com about the use of riboflavin in the treatment of migraine and the main dosages at which the maximum effectiveness of the drug is observed.

Riboflavin and migraine treatment: pathways of intersection

All participants in the clinical study experienced a reduction of up to ≥50% in headache severity and frequency after riboflavin supplementation.

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In addition, according to the anamnesis, 2 years later, migraine-type headache attacks were not observed in most patients. The findings of the study were presented at the American Headache Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 2019.

New possibilities for medical treatment of migraine


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Commenting on the work, the head of the scientific project, MD, neurologist Madhureeta Achari, noted the particular importance of the role of micronutrient deficiency in the development of the disease, which can be actively used in the treatment of migraine. In particular, one of the randomized controlled trials, conducted more than 20 years ago, traces the relationship between the level of riboflavin and the development of migraine, with an emphasis on impaired mitochondrial energy metabolism as one of the prerequisites for the pathogenesis of this disease (Schoenen J. et al ., 1998).

Riboflavin versus placebo for migraine

Furthermore, a comparative analysis of riboflavin and placebo described the effectiveness of its use in the treatment of migraine at high doses (400 mg) for 3 months in order to prevent migraine-type headache attacks. In the study, 59% of patients compared with results in the placebo group (15%) noted up to 50% reduction in the severity and frequency of headache episodes.

Furthermore, more evidence is available that riboflavin 200-400mg may be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of symptoms and will be included in migraine treatment regimens.

At the same time, the authors of the new study noted the primary importance of assessing the baseline levels of this micronutrient. The main difference of the new work is that the conclusions of the current study are based on actual data, and not on the results of the survey. In this study, the authors assessed the clinical status of 42 patients diagnosed with migraine (with aura, without aura, other types of chronic migraine) in combination with low serum riboflavin levels.

Botulinum toxin in the treatment of migraine

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Of which 84% − women, the average age of study participants was about 35.5 years. During 2 years of clinical observation, patients received nutritional supplements to correct the level of riboflavin in the blood serum. Also, during the study period, systematic laboratory measurements of the content of individual vitamins, trace elements and vitamin-like drugs were carried out. In particular, the content of coenzyme Q10, zinc, ascorbic acid was evaluated.

Riboflavin − affordable and effective nutrient in the prevention and treatment of migraine

In total, 35 out of 42 study participants were found to experience positive clinical changes with the − additional use of nutritional supplements in order to correct the content of riboflavin in the body. At the same time, 7 patients still needed additional use of other drugs for the prevention and treatment of migraine. During the follow-up period, study participants were allowed to use drugs recommended for the treatment of migraine attacks, including OTC non-narcotic analgesics and triptans.

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The results of the study demonstrated a reduction in the frequency of migraine episodes per month from an average of 14.4 days at baseline to 3.4 days after systemic use of riboflavin as an adjunct in migraine treatment. In addition, 81% of patients did not have a migraine attack for 2 years.

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Commenting on the additional benefits of the preventive use of riboflavin for the treatment of migraine, the researchers emphasized such positive qualities of riboflavin as its water solubility, which additionally positively affects the pharmacokinetics of the drug. In addition, such a nutritional approach in the treatment of neurological patients is economically affordable, and riboflavin preparations are well tolerated by patients.

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