Шрамы не красят: хирургические методы пластики рубцов

A feature of human skin regeneration is that the restored tissues have a coarser structure, due to the increased content of & nbsp; collagen. Normally, fibroblasts help restore the normal structure of the skin. But, over time, about 30% of keratinocytes die, and they are replaced by connective tissue, resulting in the formation of scars. To correct these defects, many methods are used, including cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Read about effective scar repair methods on estet-portal.com in this article.

Effective techniques for surgical scar repair

During scar repair, pathologically altered tissues are excised, and an autogenous skin transplantation method is used.

Plasty can be performed using local tissues, using a pedunculated skin flap, or, in case of extensive defects, skin is transplanted from other parts of the body.

The origin of the wound, the wrong tactics of conducting the recovery process and the presence of a genetic predisposition can be the determining factors in the formation of pathological scars: keloid, atrophic or hypertrophic.     when local tissue scar repair is used;
•    method of scar plastics with pedunculated flaps;
•    plasty of scars with a round skin stalk.

When is scar repair with local tissues used

Local plasty is one of the most convenient methods for the surgeon, and is used to correct minor defects. In modern surgery, plasty with counter triangular flaps is used, the advantage of which is tissue growth.

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Method of scar repair with pedicled flaps

Scar repair with pedicle flaps is used when the defect cannot be closed using local tissues. The flap is cut in accordance with the size and shape of the defect, after which it is rotated to the desired area. A flap that is rotated 180 degrees is called a tipping flap. The advantage of this — this is a fairly good blood supply, since when a skin flap is cut out, a branch of the feeding artery is preserved in it, as well as the conformity of the nature and thickness of the transferred tissues.

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The formation of a round stem can be done on any area where the skin is easily taken into a fold: on the neck, abdomen, inner surface of the shoulder.

A ribbon of skin is cut out with two cuts, it is desirable that  the length exceeded the width by no more than two to three times, in order to maintain optimal blood supply. The skin tape is sutured into a tube, within a month a new vascular network is formed in it, after which the stem moves to the required area.

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Treatment of xanthoma on the skin: why timely therapy is so important

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