The work of dermatologists and dermatocosmetologists involves various effects on the skin. This organ performs, first of all, a protective function, as it is a kind of barrier between the body and the external environment. Any damage to the skin can break this barrier, and lead to very serious consequences. That is why, specialists working with the skin must understand absolutely all the chemical processes occurring in it. The conference "Alchemy and Chemistry in Aesthetic Medicine", organized by the Esty Derm platform, was devoted to this issue. About all the subtleties of the "alchemy of the skin" Specially for, the doctor of medical sciences, professor, dermatovenereologist of the highest category Yuri Andrashko told.

Why was Skin Alchemy chosen as the theme of this event? What do you mean by this concept?

There is no direct answer to this question, because skin alchemy – this is a kind of allegory that aimed to show that in addition to the naturally understood chemical processes that we deal with, manage and try to regulate, there is something big in the skin that makes you understand the problem even deeper, own the issue, gain new knowledge, which is the achievement of modern evidence-based science, and integrate them into the practice of dermatologists and dermatocosmetologists.

What are the main chemical processes occurring in the skin that most affect its appearance?

The skin is a very powerful organ of neuro-psycho-endocrine regulation of the body, therefore, the practitioners of aesthetic dermatology, working with this organ, & nbsp; must be clearly aware that this thin line is not only a contact barrier between the external world and the internal environment, but also a kind of system that integrates all the possibilities of the organism.

The skin is a very powerful organ of neuro-psycho-endocrine regulation of the body.

Therefore, work even at surface levels with different techniques that  affect the skin must be of a very deep nature of knowledge and skills, in addition to the already existing habits and techniques of specialists.

How important is it for dermatologists and estheticians to understand the "alchemy of the skin"?

Indeed, specialists should know not only the anatomy and physiology of the skin, but also the entire structure of the body, which is embodied in this subtle organ, because the skin is both an organ of the nervous system, an organ of the endocrine system, and an organ of mental regulation. And today I talked about the microbiome of the skin, that it is a place where a completely new microworld lives, which determines our genome and our relationship with the outside world, and, let's say, regulates the relationship between the body and society, if you like. Therefore, specialists in applied aesthetics and applied dermatology must reckon with this kind of "alchemy"; in order to achieve maximum results and obtain an excellent effect in your actions with this delicate organ.

Is it possible, through cosmetic procedures, to disrupt the natural chemical processes occurring in the skin, and how will this affect its condition?

Of course, this is what we are talking about.

The impact on the skin, without taking into account the above knowledge and understanding, if incorrect approaches and low-quality products are used, can have very serious consequences.

Without knowledge of modern medicine and dermatology, taking into account those amendments and those new processes that change our stereotypical idea of ​​the skin, we will not be as effective as we would like.

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