At a certain age, most women approach a certain age with burdensome “luggage” from multiple signs of aging – blurred contours of the oval of the face, sagging tissues, wrinkles and deep folds. All this – indications for plastic surgery. 

The well-known plastic surgeon Eduard Vadimovich Shikhirman has developed a method of total facelift “Live face” – a consistent plan to save a seemingly hopelessly faded beauty. We would like to tell you more about this complex of surgical measures for tissue correction at different levels (skin, fat layer, deep muscular-aponeurotic structures) using open and endoscopic access.

Eduard Shikhirman, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, head of the SHIHIRMAN plastic surgery clinic.

What is the essence of the total facelift technique and how is it carried out?

- Total facelift begins with an endoscopic forehead, eyebrow and temporal area lift through accesses with a diameter of 15-20 mm. As a result, the eyebrows are raised, and the look becomes open. Horizontal wrinkles of the forehead are straightened, the skin on the bridge of the nose is smoothed, "crow's feet" are significantly softened. at the outer corner of the eye.

Followed by blepharoplasty – top or bottom. Or maybe both of them – depending on indications. After excision of excess tissue, the doctor hides the thinnest sutures in the fold of the upper eyelid or imposes along the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid. Bags under the eyes are removed at the same stage.
Due to the endoscopic midface lift, the zygomatic region is rejuvenated, the depth of the nasolabial folds and nasolacrimal grooves is reduced, and the manifestations of ptosis are eliminated.

Followed by SMAS lifting – correction of the oval of the face at the level of the aponeurotic layer, elimination of jowls. The final stage – platysmaplasty: the stretched neck muscle is sutured so that the skin under the chin stops gathering in folds, the vertical and horizontal wrinkles of the neck disappear, and the cervico-chin angle becomes clear.

What are the features of face oval correction in total facelift?

- If you replenish the volume of the face without first returning the tissues that have fallen due to ptosis, then most likely it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect of youth. First you need to lift the fabrics, and then think about how best to fill them.

Another very important point is that only an experienced surgeon with extensive experience in this field can do an SMAS lift, since such a surgical intervention requires jewelry precision: in this anatomical layer, there are nerve endings everywhere that cannot be damaged in any way.

Are there any special surgical techniques that are used in total facelift?

- When performing a facelift, it is sometimes advisable to install silicone endoprostheses in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin. They will give the face symmetry, increase the neck-chin angle, improve the projection of the lower jaw. The main task of such arthroplasty is to correct the lack of maxillofacial bones so that the face looks more organic. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the individual anatomical features of the face, since it is not always possible to improve it with the help of implants to provide a rejuvenating effect.

Implants are inserted through a tiny incision that leaves no external mark. As tissues age, endoprostheses do not move or fall, as they are tightly attached to the periosteum. Outwardly, they also do not stand out in any way – that is, the face looks younger and at the same time retains its naturalness.
The rehabilitation period after a total facelift takes approximately 3-6 weeks. Patients note that due to this correction, the result of rejuvenation is very impressive – minus about 10 years.

Young years cannot be returned, but a completely young and very attractive face – please. Main – optimism, determination and a good plastic surgeon.

Based on “Beauty and Health, 2015”

Today, fillers are considered not only an excellent tool for filling wrinkles and superficial correction of facial lines. Experts consider fillers as an effective tool for serious facial reconstruction. However, such a reconstruction is possible and safe only with an impeccable knowledge of the anatomical features of the face.

Wolfgang Redka-Svoboda, MD, surgeon, international speaker, medical director of TEOXANA Germany (Germany) presented a report and a master class on the topic "The evolution of hyaluronic filler injection techniques – from wrinkle-line corrections to global reconstruction face Detailed anatomy of the fat compartments, separating septa and the musculo-aponeurotic system for optimal correction results":

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