Ультразвуковая кавитация – безоперационное удаление жировых клеток

Today, the problem of cellulite does not bypass the majority of the female population around the world.
Cellulite is a pathology of fat cells with subsequent changes in adipose tissue – lipodystrophy.

In recent years, ultrasonic cavitation or ultrasonic liposuction has become very popular in the fight against cellulite.

Due to its painlessness, high efficiency, short rehabilitation period and absence of complications, the procedure is a good alternative to injection techniques.

On estet-portal.com read about the method of ultrasonic cavitation, as well as recommendations, indications and contraindications for the procedure.

Mechanism of action of ultrasound on adipose tissue

Ultrasonic cavitation is a safe and painless method in the fight against fatty deposits.
Ultrasound affects the cellular fluid contained in the subcutaneous fat, resulting in a stream of air bubbles.

Air bubbles are transported by ultrasound into the high pressure zone where they are compressed, damaging the adipocyte membranes.

This releases a huge amount of energy (about 100 kcal per square cm). Adipocytes collapse under the pressure of air bubbles and released energy.

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Only large fat cells are excreted from the body via the metabolic pathway – through the lymphatic system.
Other cells are not exposed to ultrasound due to their elasticity.

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Ultrasonic cavitation protocol: stages and zones of treatment

Ultrasonic liposuction is effective on small problem areas such as face neck waist arms back lower abdomen buttocks thighs.

It is not recommended to use cavitation over large areas in order to avoid overloading the excretory system of the body.

Procedure protocol includes the following steps:

1.    surge of the lymph nodes of the body at the beginning of the session;

2.    preparation of the problem area – massage (manual canned vacuum-roller);

3.    application of contact gel;

4.    treatment of the problem area with an ultrasonic emitter with slow spiral movements;

5.    completion of the procedure with a massage;

6.    myostimulation of the problem area.

The session is carried out for 30-40 minutes with an interval of 1 time per week with a course of 5-15 procedures.

Lipodystrophy – no: effective methods to fight cellulite

Absolute and relative contraindications for ultrasonic liposuction

Like any procedure, ultrasonic cavitation has a number of contraindications: absolute and relative.
Absolute: neuralgia, acute dermatoses, cardiovascular diseases (hypertension above stage 2, heart failure, bleeding disorders, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins), pregnancy, renal and hepatic insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, fatty liver,  blood diseases, oncopathology, diseases of the reproductive system.

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Relative: dilated subcutaneous capillary network, scars at the site of the procedure, as well as the use of nonsteroidal drugs and anticoagulants within 10 days before the procedure.

The list of contraindications to cavitation also includes: the presence of open wounds on the body and the presence of any metal inclusions (implants and pacemakers) in the body.

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Ultrasonic cavitation: recommendations before and after the procedure

There are a few rules to follow before the ultrasonic liposuction procedure. It is not recommended to drink alcohol for 3 days before the manipulation, as well as to take spicy and fried foods.

Sufficient amount of water must be consumed a few days before and after the procedure – 1-1.5 liters depending on the characteristics of the organism.

After ultrasonic cavitation, lymphatic drainage massages or pressotherapy are recommended to improve lymph flow.

Ultrasonic liposuction has a more pronounced effect in combination with RF lifting or LPG massage.

Thank you for staying with estet-portal.com. Read other interesting articles in the "Cosmetology" section. You may also be interested in: Liposuction: a unique approach to a popular procedure

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