Skin cleaning – This is one of the main procedures that are performed in beauty parlors. It is this procedure that is universal, always relevant and popular among men  and women, as skin of any type gets dirty and needs to be cleansed effectively. Today talks about an effective method of facial cleansing – vacuum cleaning of the skin. Find out in which cases this cleaning method can be indicated, what principles the specialist should follow during the procedure, and what result the patient will ultimately receive.

Peculiarities of vacuum skin cleaning

Vacuum cleaning of leather – this is one of the many salon procedures that are performed to cleanse the patient's skin of impurities. It belongs to hardware techniques and is performed using a special device equipped with a nozzle.

The principle of operation of this device is based on the reverse air circulation:  the patient's skin is not subjected to pressure, but, on the contrary, is attracted to the nozzle.

It is in this way that comedones, plugs and other impurities are removed from the pores on the patient's face. After vacuum cleaning, the skin of the face looks fresher, cleansed and rejuvenated, which is why so many patients love this procedure so much.

Vacuum cleaning of leather:

  • indications and contraindications for vacuum cleaning of the skin;
  • Basic principles of vacuum skin cleaning;
  • result after vacuum skin cleaning.

Indications and contraindications for vacuum cleaning of the skin

Vacuum cleaning of the skin is especially effective in cases where the patient's skin shows:

  • enlarged pores;
  • pronounced intradermal contamination;
  • intense sebum production;
  • minor skin imperfections such as rash marks, mild scarring, etc.

Vacuum facial cleaning is contraindicated for patients who have the following skin problems:

  • acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • infectious foci and infiltrates;
  • telangiectasias;
  • various dermatoses;
  • rosacea;
  • dehydrated and thinned skin.

Basic principles of vacuum skin cleaning

The procedure for vacuum skin cleaning consists of several stages: cleansing, vaporization, disincrustation (if necessary) and vacuum cleaning itself. Each of these steps has basic principles that should be followed by the specialist performing the procedure:

  1. Skin cleansing: First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface layer of the skin with foams or gels containing an antiseptic component.
  2. Vaporisation: For effective cleaning of the skin, it is necessary to ensure maximum opening of the pores. The effect of thermal action on the skin is provided by steam irrigation or by applying various masks or fast-acting lotions to the skin.
  3. Desincrustation: used for those patients whose pores are very narrowed or deeply contaminated. By exposing the skin to microcurrents, optimal conditions are created for effective vacuum cleaning;
  4. Direct cleaning with a vacuum device: the device must be moved over the skin along the circular axes of its surface, while the nozzle must be periodically treated with a concentrated antiseptic. The duration of the procedure – 15-20 minutes.


Result after vacuum cleaning of the skin

The effect after vacuum cleaning of the skin can be assessed by the patient immediately after the procedure.

The result of vacuum cleaning lasts for about a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin and the conditions of the patient's daily life.

The main effects of the procedure include:

  • removal of plugs, comedones and other impurities on the skin;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • normalization of work of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • skin texture smoothing;
  • increased turgor;
  • skin hydration;
  • increased lymph outflow and microcirculation;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the layers of the skin.

Vacuum face cleansing – it is an effective method of cleansing the skin, improving its properties and appearance. Read more articles about skin cleansing methods in the "Cosmetology" section. at Thank you for staying with us!

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