Как победить стрии на коже: косметические возможности процедуры редермализации

Stretch marks on the skin – this is an unpleasant fate not only for pregnant and overtrained athletes. Unaesthetic skin defects, giving it a wrinkled uneven appearance, can appear with significant fluctuations in weight, physical overstrain, they are found on the chest, shoulders, abdomen, hips and buttocks. It is not always possible to hide stretch marks under clothing, and their appearance can significantly impair the patient's quality of life.

Modern aesthetic medicine has ample opportunities to improve the condition of the skin with stretch marks, and to make newly formed stretch marks almost invisible. Read about the redermalization procedure and its success in the fight against stretch marks on the skin at estet-portal.com.

Bumps and stripes: what causes and why stretch marks on the skin look bad

The reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin, or stretch marks, as this aesthetic defect is also called, lies in the name of the defect: with excessive stretching of the skin, which happens from a strong tension of the muscle layer, the collagen and elastin fibers of the connective tissue are torn. Such an overvoltage must occur for some time in order for striae to form. Muscles can overexert themselves with regular heavy lifting or intensive pumping of muscle relief, with a strong increase in body weight, including during pregnancy, due to illness or other reasons.

Connective tissue can become weak and prone to collagen breakdown with hormonal fluctuations that occur in women while they are expecting a baby, and in athletes – against the background of taking special supplements for building muscle mass.

At the site of breaks in collagen fibers, scars form, which unevenly draw in the surrounding tissue. At the same time, the scraps of fibers themselves are arranged randomly, due to which the skin in the damaged area loses its elasticity, acquires a compacted texture and looks outwardly covered with thin uneven pink-red stripes. Over time, the stripes turn pale, but the skin remains uneven, flabby, with uneven pigmentation.

Scars in the area of ​​striae are formed due to insufficiently rapid cell renewal when collagen fibers break. The connective tissue does not have time to produce new protein components of the extracellular matrix and needs drugs that would stimulate the formation of new structures


The redermalization procedure allows you to start the formation of new collagen fibers and restore the elasticity of the connective tissue, significantly slowing down or even stopping the development of scar tissue.

What makes redermalization effective for stretch marks on the skin

The redermalization procedure is a correction of the skin condition at the dermal level – exactly where the ruptured collagen and elastin fibers lie. In the process of their ruptures, an inflammatory process develops, which leads to a violation of pigmentation in the zone of stretch marks on the skin. Inflammation depletes the vital resources of dermal cells, disrupts the metabolic processes occurring in this layer.

The key to successful treatment of stretch marks is the restoration of the full functioning of the dermis, the healing of inflammation, the establishment of metabolic processes, the launch of the formation of new elastin and collagen fibers, which is facilitated by redermalization

The effectiveness of the redermalization procedure is based on the synergy of the action of the active components of the drug for those acting at the level of the dermal layer. We are talking about hyaluronic and succinic acids.

Hyaluronic acid, in addition to the well-known moisturizing properties, has the ability to stop inflammation in the skin. It maintains intercellular and intracellular homeostasis, replenishes moisture in the skin, and helps strengthen the intercellular matrix.

Read on the topic: "Stretch marks on the skin: practical experience in the treatment of a defect at its various stages"

Succinic acid (sodium succinate) stimulates the activity of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, glycosaminoglycans and other components of the extracellular matrix. Sodium succinate is known for its strong antioxidant properties, it improves metabolic processes in the skin, prevents the appearance of pigmentation, and has a powerful restorative effect.

What results can redermalization achieve with stretch marks on the skin

Due to redermalization with stretch marks on the skin, microcirculation in the affected area is significantly improved. Inflammation disappears, new elastin and collagen fibers are formed, with recently manifested stretch marks, the formation of scar tissue stops, and skin defects gradually become invisible. The result of redermalization with striae is:

  • if stretch marks are old – the transition between healthy and damaged tissue is significantly smoothed;
  • if the stretch marks are fresh – atrophied areas of the dermis are gradually replaced by healthy skin;
  • in the area of ​​striae, the manifestation of uneven pigmentation decreases;
  • skin becomes firmer, smoother, well hydrated.

The clinical effectiveness of the redermalization procedure in the correction of stretch marks on the skin is manifested by a significant reduction in the severity of the aesthetic defect, improvement of the skin texture and smoothing of its relief, which makes it possible to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from this aesthetic defect. The material was written on the recommendations of experts Hyalual.

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