Самая чувствительная и выразительная: зона вокруг глаз и методы ее коррекции

Psychologists have proven that when meeting a person, we involuntarily turn our attention first of all to the eyes, then look over other features of the face and then return to the eyes. It is on them that we make our first judgment about the feelings of a person, his character, age.

Often a person feels insecure because he doubts the impeccability of the condition of his face and especially the area around the eyes, where the signs of fading appear first of all. Modern cosmetology can significantly slow down the appearance of signs of facial aging and achieve a rejuvenating effect.

How to do it by means of redermalization with Hyalual® preparations, our portal has been reviewing together with a full member of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons since 2002, a surgeon of the highest category, plastic surgeon Lesya Petrovna Linnik.

Peculiarities of the area around the eyes, which must be taken into account when correcting

The periorbital area is considered one of the most difficult to correct due to its anatomical structure, physiological properties and functional features. Each layer of the skin in the area around the eyes has its own structural features, which is important to consider when correcting.


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The epidermis is very thin, consisting of only 2-3 rows of spiny cells (for comparison, in other areas of the skin there may be 8-15), there is no granular layer at all, and the stratum corneum is also very thin.

These features are due to the ease of penetration of toxic substances into the skin. A large number of mast cells accumulate in the area around the eyes, which explains the reactivity of the eyelids and frequent allergic reactions.

There are very few sebaceous glands, they are single-lobed and concentrated along the edge of the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes. The pH level in the periorbital zone tends to the alkaline side.

The dermis around the eyes is also very thin, with a weakly expressed papillary layer. There is little collagen, poorly developed elastin fibers, no subcutaneous fat, which explains the early onset of signs of aging.

Age-related changes in the periorbital zone are manifested by mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”), ptosis of the upper eyelid, edema and dark circles under the eyes, hernias of both eyelids, contouring of the nasolacrimal and nasobuccal grooves.

A non-specific manifestation of aging is a decrease in skin elasticity in this area, deterioration of its turgor and hydration. Age-related changes in the lower eyelid have some features that must be taken into account when correcting.

Types of age-related changes in the lower eyelid and features of their correction

Type I

Changes are limited to the area of ​​the lower eyelids, there is a weakening of the tone of the circular muscle, bulging of the orbital fat.

Type II

Changes go beyond the borders of the lower eyelids, weakening of the tone of the circular muscle, weakening of the skin tone and the appearance of its excess, slight ptosis of the cheek tissues and the appearance of separation of the eyelid-cheek.

Type III

Changes affect all tissues bordering the eyelids, ptosis of the tissues of the cheeks and zygomatic region, enhancing the division of the eyelid-cheek, thinning of the tissues surrounding the orbit, deepening of the nasolabial folds.

Type IV

Further omission of the eyelid-cheek separation, deepening of the nasolacrimal sulcus, the appearance of mask "bags", omission of the outer corners of the eye and exposure of the sclera.

To correct age-related changes in the area around the eyes, it is important to choose the right tactics, an effective technique and a drug that will improve the condition of the periorbital zone.

Details of the redermalization technique using Hyalual®

Today, redermalization technique is widely used in aesthetic medicine to correct age-related changes in the periorbital zone.

It allows you to intensively restore this area and provide a rejuvenating effect without side effects, which allows patients not to worry about maintaining social activity even during an intensive course of procedures.

A quick and lasting effect of restoring the dermal layer can be obtained by direct action on fibroblasts, which is carried out due to the active components of the Hyalual® preparation: sodium succinate (succinic acid salt) and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Some mechanisms of action of succinate during redermalization

What are we acting on

Influence target

Expected result

Activation of metabolic processes

Prevention of aging and cell death

Restoring young, healthy skin, increasing its regenerative functions

Fibroblast mitochondria

Stimulation of collagen and elastin production

Reducing the severity and depth of wrinkles, lifting effect

Stimulation of microcirculation

Reduce cellular hypoxia

Restoration of skin color and velvety

Integrity of cells and their membranes

Prevention of lipid peroxidation and destruction of the cell genome

Treatment and prevention of photoaging, prevention of neoplasms

In the early stages of aging manifestations, monotherapy with Hyalual® is sufficient to obtain good redermalization results. If the skin aging processes affect its deeper layers, it is desirable to combine redermalization with other techniques.

Possible management regimens for Hyalual® products

Superficial epidermal wrinkles

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.1%, 1.8% or

Superficial peeling + redermalization «Hialual» 1.1%

Dermal wrinkles

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.8% as single procedure

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.1%, 1.8% + chemical peel

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.8% + botulinum therapy + Hyalual redermalization 1.8%


Deep dermal wrinkles

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.8% + botulinum therapy + contouring + redermalization "Hialual" 1.8% or

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.1% + plastic surgery

+ redermalization «Hialual» 1.1%


Gravity ptosis

Stage 1

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.8% + botulinum therapy + contouring + redermalization "Hialual" 1.8%

Stage 2-3

Redermalization «Hialual» 1.1% + plastic surgery + Hyalual redermalization 1.1% + botulinum therapy + Hyalual redermalization 1.1%


The choice of techniques and their combination depends on the age of the patient, on the properties of the skin and type of aging, on the severity of age-related changes and the depth of wrinkles.

The results of correction of age-related changes in the periorbital zone largely depend on the correct assessment of their severity and degree, on the complexity of the approach to their therapy.

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Clinical case with Hyalual® for correction of the periorbital zone

Patient T. Applied with the wishes of anti-aging correction of the upper third of the face.

During the examination, the following defects were identified that need to be corrected:

  • overhang of the upper eyelid;
  • expression wrinkles of the outer corners of the eyes.

The patient's skin has a peculiarity: a developed vascular network, which does not allow to come very close to the corners of the eyes. There are hernias in the area of ​​the upper and both lower eyelids.

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Treatment: to correct defects, choose 1 ml of Hyalual®; 1.8%.

Correction of the upper eyelids and mimic wrinkles. The technique is papular, we perform micropapules along the course of mimic wrinkles. The size of the papules is 1 mm, the distance between the papules is 0.5 cm, or we choose the “beads” technique when the papules are in contact with each other. The distance between the lines is 0.5 cm.

Be sure to process the temporal zone and move to the upper eyelid. We perform 4-5 papules along the upper edge of the eyebrow and turn perpendicular to the eyebrow. We perform injections on the surface of the forehead, while we go approximately 1 cm to the scalp. We pay special attention to the temporal region: we work on this zone using the papular technique, the size of the papules is – 1-1.5 mm, the distance between the injections – 0.5-0.7mm.

Correction of the lower eyelids. Given the presence of hernias, we do not go further than 1 cm from the outer edge of the eye, so as not to aggravate the condition and increase swelling.

Treatment results. The course of redermalization was 5 sessions, the result was visible after the first procedure and improved in the future.

After correction of the periorbital zone, the patient underwent redermalization of the entire face, after which she noted a visible result: the skin gained turgor and tone, a healthy color and velvety, the contour of the face became clearly defined, small wrinkles disappeared, and large ones became less noticeable.

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Thus, the redermalization program with Hyalual® allows you to effectively fight age-related changes in the periorbital zone, can be used for other areas of the face, and in combination with other anti-aging procedures, it makes it possible to achieve a quick rejuvenating result.


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