13 действенных упражнений для улучшения зрения

Regular work at the computer has a negative effect on the eyes, which, due to the looped look at the monitor, get tired, as a result of which vision deteriorates. Among ophthalmologists, the term "computer vision syndrome" is even common, from which 70% of users of smart machines suffer. 

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it, so you should pay attention to eye exercises. Daily exercise will give rest to the eyes and help prevent visual impairment. It is better to perform gymnastics for the eyes just at the workplace, as soon as a free minute appears – this will help relieve eye strain.

Gymnastics for the eyes: 13 effective exercises for good vision 

  1. Close your eyes for a few seconds, then open your eyes and try not to blink for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Make horizontal movements from right to left and vice versa.
  3. Make vertical eye movements up and down.
  4. Draw a circle with your eyes – first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  5. Diagonal eye movements. First, squint your eyes to the lower left corner, and then look to the upper right corner.
  6. Take your eyes to your nose – bring your finger to the bridge of your nose, while watching its tip.
  7. Look into the distance and don't look away for 2-3 seconds. After you need to put your finger so that it is at a distance of 25-20 cm from the eyes. Look at your finger for at least 3-5 seconds, then lower your hand and look into the distance. Repeat this eye exercise 10-12 times.
  8. Place a round mark (3-5 mm) on the window so that it is exactly at eye level. A look from distant objects outside the window should be translated to the mark, and then back. Repeat this exercise for the eyes 10-12 times.
  9. Slowly draw a figure eight with your eyes. Repeat the eye exercise 5 to 7 times.
  10. You should look for 5-6 seconds at the thumb of the hand extended at eye level.
  11. Blink your eyes hard and often.
  12. Close your eyes, start gently massaging the superciliary arches, as well as the lower parts of the eye sockets in a circular motion, moving from the nose to the temples.
  13. Eyes closed, brows relaxed. Perform slow eye rotations from left to right, then in the opposite direction. Repeat this exercise for the eyes should be 10 times.

It is useful to perform such exercises for the eyes both in combination and each separately. Under the condition of a combination of exercises, it is important to follow the sequence – first warm-up, then the main exercises, then proceed to rest.

Eye exercises are best done every day, and a few exercises can be used just during work. 

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