Beauty and health

5 secrets of beautiful lips that will not give away your age

5 секретов красивых губ, которые не выдадут Ваш возраст

Beautiful lips – why is it so important? The fact is that in order to make a first impression about a person, including his appearance and age, it takes only a couple of seconds and a cursory glance at the face.

So, the human eye scans the state of the lip area, and unconsciously we perceive this as one of the main signs of age.

To prevent this particular part of the face from giving away your age, it is necessary to ensure proper lip care and correct imperfections, if any. will tell you what is most important in the condition of the lip area.

1. Volume – an integral part of a beautiful lip area

Thin lips are automatically perceived by us as the lips of an older person, and plumper lips – it is a sign of youth and attractiveness. Lips do lose volume with age.

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This is due to some factors:

• change in the bone of the upper jaw;
• atrophy of subcutaneous adipose tissue;
• drooping corners of the mouth.

You can restore or correct the shape of the lips by introducing fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The duration of this procedure is about a year, after which it should be repeated.

Hyaluronic acid lip correction: how to get the maximum result and avoid complications?

2. Brightness – the lip area should stand out

In this case, we mean the brightness of the color of the lips and their contour. The brighter and richer the color of the lips (within reason, of course), the younger the person seems.

A procedure that will help to change the color of the lips, if their natural color for one reason or another is too pale and inexpressive, – this is permanent makeup.

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However, don't go overboard with – it is important that the contour of the lips does not stand out with its brightness and the color is natural, close to natural. An unnatural contour and color in the lip area will not make you younger, but will only tell others that you were clumsily trying to hide your age.

3. The role of filtrum columns in the perception of the lip region

A detail that people often forget to take care of when they want to make their lips perfect, – presence of filtrum columns. All mammals have filtrum columns that connect the upper lip to the nose.

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Only monkeys don't have a filtrum, so their lips always look flat. With age, similar changes occur in the human lip area: the lip becomes flatter, loses its expressiveness, and the filtrum disappears.

It is this slight, at first glance, change that indicates age. To restore the columns of the filterum, cosmetologists use the same magic hyaluronic acid.

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4. Smoking – the main enemy of the ideal lip area

Recall that smoking – the main enemy of the lips. This is a mechanical factor that contributes to the appearance of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth, which are very difficult to deal with. They are a network of small wrinkles located perpendicular to the line of the mouth.

Not only is the lip area already prone to wrinkles due to anatomical features and excessive mobility, this process is accelerated and aggravated by addiction.

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In addition, smoking accelerates the process of withering of the skin of the entire face, so giving up this habit – a prerequisite for a beautiful lip area.

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5. With dehydration, the beauty of the lip area is impossible

Another important point – This is chronic dehydration. It can occur if the drinking regime is not observed and in the absence of hygienic lip care.

Don't forget to exfoliate your lips and use lip balm when you're indoors and out. The adverse effects of the weather on the sensitive skin around the lips, whether it be wind, frost or sunlight, will make your lips look unattractive.

What lips suffer from: meteorological cheilitis!

Therefore, do not forget about moisturizing them both from the outside and from the inside (drink clean water).

By putting our recommendations into practice, you will always look young, beautiful and attractive!

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:19

    Главное в этом деле - не переусердствовать))) :-*

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:22

    Все так и есть!<br />В точку!<br /> знает все секреты!

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:30

    Про воду, это правильно заметили.<br />Пейте воду!

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:39

    Интересная и полезная информация, особенно о фильтрумах. Спасибо!))

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:41

    Как правильно подобрать цвет для перманентного макияжа губ?

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 19:57

    очень наглядно и информативно! ещё бы косметологам посмотреть, чтобы от них девушки с рыбьими губами не выходили

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 20:00

    На самом деле, губы для внешности женщины - это первое оружие! поэтому они должны быть красивые, подчеркнутые и ухоженные! на Вашем сайте можно найти все рекомендации по красоте! Спасибо за интересный материал!)

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 20:10

    Очень полезная информация! Спасибо за советы! Хочу пухлые губки! :lol:

  • Comments (15)

    29 марта 2016, 20:22

    И помним про гимнастику для лица: <br /> :P

  • Comments (15)

    Ирина Стоянова#434
    29 марта 2016, 20:23

    Очень четкие и важные моменты! <br />Я заметила, что достаточно много врачей-эстетистов пропускают 3 пункт - формирование колонн фильтрума . :-? <br />Они просто формируют контур губ и не обращают внимание на эту, как по мне, крайне важную деталь.

  • Comments (15)

    Виктория Ярмоленко#435
    29 марта 2016, 20:25

    Оооо!!! Теперь буду знать по каким критериям следить за своими губами :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Comments (15)

    Lilia Vetlitskaya#436
    29 марта 2016, 20:29

    Zavtra proverju rabotu svoego kosmetologa :P <br />Kak raz idu napolnjat' gubji :oops: <br />spasibo

  • Comments (15)

    30 марта 2016, 03:09

    Столько полезной информации и советов! Лаконично, по делу и ничего лишнего. Подмечено все самое важное.

  • Comments (15)

    02 апреля 2016, 20:17

    Прекрасные рекомендации, коротко и доступно информация изложена =) Пусть мужчины знают на какие жертвы мы вынуждены идти ради них, чтобы выглядеть еще привлекательнее))

  • Comments (15)

    07 сентября 2016, 21:39

    Очень полезная информация !!! :-)

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