A person perceives 90% of information through vision. During the day, many people work with texts, peering at a computer monitor, and when they come home in the evening, they give their eyes an additional load in the form of watching TV. As a result, visual impairment becomes an inevitable process. But there are other reasons why a person begins to see worse. In the article we will talk about why vision deteriorates and how to prevent it.

What provokes visual impairment: 6 main reasons

The first signs of visual impairment include “fog” before the eyes, difficulty in looking at letters and faces, inability to see the clear contours of objects near and at a distance.

The main reasons why a person began to see worse are:

  1. Retinal aging.
  2. Lack of eye muscle function.
  3. Excessive eye strain.
  4. Impaired circulation.
  5. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  6. Disorders of the spine.

Retinal aging

The cells in the retina contain a light-sensitive pigment that helps us see. This pigment tends to break down with age. With a significant deterioration in vision, it is necessary to choose the right suitable method of vision correction. A wide selection of contact lenses is presented on the website MKL.ua

What to do? It is possible to slow down the aging process by eating foods rich in vitamin A (fish, meat, milk, carrots, eggs).

Lack of eye muscle function

Due to constant focus on the text of a book or a computer screen, the muscles that control the lens become weak and sluggish. Because of this, they lose their shape, like other non-working books.

What to do? You can avoid visual impairment with the help of this exercise: focus your eyes either on close objects or on distant objects.

Excessive eye strain

Under the influence of too bright light, just like dim lighting, the eyes strain, which provokes visual impairment.

What to do? It is necessary to organize eye protection from excessively bright light with the help of sunglasses. Also, forget about looking at small objects and reading in dim light. Also, stop reading in the – swaying and uneven light contribute to poor vision.

Dry mucous membrane of the eye

Clearness of vision is ensured by the purity of the transparent shells through which a beam of light passes, reflected from objects. Since they are bathed in special moisture, vision tends to deteriorate when the eyes are dry.

What to do? A little cry is very good for the eyes. If you are not used to expressing emotions in this way, get special eye drops that are close to tears in composition.

Disorders of the spine

A sharp deterioration in visual acuity can be triggered by damage to the spine. Two arteries pass through the back region, which are responsible for the blood supply to the head and eyes. Incorrect position of the spine impairs blood flow in the arteries of the back, which contributes to poor vision.

What to do? Do exercises for your back and neck regularly, keep your posture correct.

Don't ignore eye problems, because early treatment can help prevent serious eye problems from developing.

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