From aging, alas, none of us will run away. After all, it is a biological process. But it is quite possible to prolong its onset and live up to 100 years, if you follow some recommendations.
First of all, it is necessary to get rid of what is destroying health. These are smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, as well as stress.
And to be known as a long-liver, you need to train reserve capabilities. The editors of the online publication will share with you the best exercises that will help you stimulate them.
1. Best Exercises for Longevity: Work Your Muscles
2. Fast yourself to cleanse your body
3. The Best Exercises for Longevity: Breathe Properly
4. Learn to control yourself with the help of psycho-training
5. Train your thermoregulation with heat and cold stimulation
6. Emotional training: train your emotions
7. Constantly upgrade your brain to become a long-liver
Best Exercises for Longevity: Work Your Muscles
Untrained muscles sooner or later weaken and atrophy, which negatively affects the entire musculoskeletal system.
So get in the habit of moving, and constantly. It can be anything: walking, running, swimming, dancing, playing football or climbing.
Squats – one of the best exercises that strengthens the core muscles. Doing it regularly at home, at the gym, or at work will help prevent future falls.
Regular physical activity not only strengthens the muscles, but also the whole body.
And it has also been proven that physical activity reduces stress levels, while stimulating the production of happiness hormones: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin.
Fast yourself to cleanse your body
Despite the fact that the body itself is cleared of toxins and toxins, it can still remain contaminated. But when it turns into a waste dump, what kind of longevity can we talk about?
Therefore, if you notice that your health has worsened, you get sick more often, and your skin is covered with black dots, and also has an unhealthy color, it is quite possible that your body is slagged and needs to be cleansed .
To cleanse yourself, try the best exercise – dry fasting. Its essence is that for 36 hours you do not eat or drink anything. This method may seem tough to you, but it's worth it. After all, with a temporary refusal of food and water, a cleansing process takes place: the body, instead of wasting energy on digesting food, spends of it on removing toxins, toxins and dead cells.
In addition, fasting improves memory and performance, and also gives a surge of strength and energy.
Best Exercises for Longevity: Breathe Properly
Lungs, like muscles, need regular exercise. To increase the frequency and depth of breathing the following exercise is suitable: inhale and exhale very quickly. Do this 10 times, then inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds.
If after doing the exercise you feel pleasantly tired, in excellent health and in a good mood, then you did everything right.
Performing this exercise several times
Unstable psyche and longevity – concepts are incompatible. Therefore, in order to live to be 100 years old, learn to fight back stress, survive any turning point, and most importantly – own yourself. A psychotherapist can help you with this. Or you can manage on your own.
You can pull yourself together in any situation with the help of self-hypnosis.
For example, if you haven't been hired by your dream job, mentally repeat before falling asleep or after waking up: “I am young, beautiful, creative.
I will definitely succeed. You yourself will be surprised later on how the body will obey you.
Train your thermoregulation with heat and cold stimulation
In order to live to 100, train your heat production and heat output. After all, these mechanisms are needed to maintain a constant body temperature. You can train them by artificially raising or lowering the ambient temperature.
So, the best cold training exercises are:
• walking barefoot;
• air bathing;
• pouring cold water.
As for thermal stimulation, it includes the following:
• hot shower;
sauna; • bathing in a thermal spring;• sun
baths. It is also useful to take a contrast shower and swim in the pool after being in the steam room of the bath.
Emotional training: train your emotions
Every person needs emotions. They protect, motivate and make us sociable. That is why it is so important to preserve not only them, but also their shades.
In order to
awaken and train emotions
, watch movies, listen to good music, go to the theatre, draw, play sports.Each type of activity gives its emotional experience. So, melodramas make you cry, good music gives a charge of vivacity and good mood,
the performance feeds different emotions, and when contemplating the pictures, there is a surge of dopamine, that is, a person gets emotions similar to the feeling of falling in love.
Constantly pump your brain to become a long-liver
If the brain does not work enough, the blood with oxygen and nutrients does not come to it well. And this, in turn, shortens life.
So be an eternal student. Go to another university, attend English courses, learn to drive, read educational and
, solve crossword puzzles, in general, use your mind all the time.
People who read books constantly don't "pick up" life-shortening Alzheimer's disease.
If you pump your brain, you will surely make the right decisions, think rationally, and also live an interesting and long exercises
Regular physical activity, breathing exercises, dry fasting, pumping your brain – all these and other
are the main secret of longevity.
Here you can also add a healthy 8-hour sleep, eating vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, as well as walking in the fresh air and yoga. But before you start training, evaluate your health. And then, based on your real capabilities, choose what suits you best.
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