Сухое голодание: как правильно очистить свой организм

During life, toxins, slags and part of dead cells accumulate in the human body. All this leads to a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of diseases, as well as the appearance of acne, acne and an earthy skin tone. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out "general cleaning"; the whole organism.

dry fasting can help. Unlike other types of cleansing procedures, this event is more stringent. Indeed, for 36 hours, any food and liquid are completely excluded from the diet.

But it's worth it, because the cleansing processes are triggered as a result. For this technique to work, must be used correctly.

How to do it, The Internet edition estet-portal.com will tell you.

1. Why dry fasting is useful for the human body
2. How to prepare for therapeutic fasting
3. Basic rules and recommendations for dry fasting
4. How to get out of dry fasting correctly

What is the benefit of dry fasting for the human body

Temporary abstinence from food and water is not accidentally called a medical technique.

After all, it has a positive effect on the human body:

•    Activates cleansing processes. When food and liquid stop coming in, cleansing processes are activated. All toxins, toxins, as well as dead cells that have accumulated inside for a long time, are removed. At the same time, not only the body is cleansed, but also the skin: black dots, acne and acne rashes go away, and the dermis itself becomes smoother, becomes smoother and fresher.

•    Combats inflammation. With a short-term abstinence from food, energy is not wasted on its digestion. All of it goes to the fight against inflammatory processes, if, of course, they are present in the body. In addition to this, the adrenal cortex produces special hormones that have anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to them, the healing process is significantly accelerated.

Dry fasting – this is, in essence, a fasting day. While a person stops eating and drinking, the whole body rests, including the digestive system. This has a beneficial effect on all important processes.

•    Serves as an excellent disease prevention. Purification and mobilization of the body prevents the appearance of viral and other diseases.

•    Rejuvenates the body. By practicing a 36-hour fast, the system is restarted. For this reason, some aging processes are reversed or slowed down.

How to Prepare for Fasting

In order for dry fasting to pass comfortably and without harm to health, it is necessary to prepare for it. A few days before it starts, stop eating meat, eggs and other animal proteins.

And before the process itself, thoroughly clean the intestines with an enema. This is necessary so that during the period of cessation of food intake toxins are not absorbed into the blood.

It is best to start fasting after you have been on a vegetarian diet for a long time or have practiced water fasting. In both cases, when you stop eating, you will feel comfortable, and your body will be less stressed.

Basic rules and recommendations for dry fasting

The essence of this method of cleansing the body is simple: you just do not eat or drink anything for 36 hours.

But, like any type of fasting, there are some rules and recommendations that you must be sure to follow:

•    Before you start abstinence, consult your doctor. After assessing your condition, he will either allow you to fast or forbid. The grounds for the ban are heart disease, anemia and tuberculosis.

•    During dry fasting, pay attention to your well-being. If you feel dizzy, you experience general weakness or a feeling of hunger and thirst overcomes you, it is better to stop fasting and consult a doctor.

Do not fast for more than 36 hours. Prolonged lack of food and fluid in the body leads to a weakening of the muscles and a decrease in blood cells, which often ends in anemia or a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.

•    Dry fasting is more difficult to endure than water abstinence. Therefore, if you want to arrange a fasting day for yourself regularly, for example, once a week, then use the usual cleansing of the body.

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How to get out of dry fasting correctly

Not only do you need to prepare for food abstinence, but you need to get out of it correctly. The exit time should be 36 hours, that is, the time of the fast itself.

In general, your actions are as follows:

•    During the day you are starving.

•    The next day you don't eat or drink anything for another 12 hours.

•    In the evening, after 36 hours have elapsed, you start your trip by drinking a small glass of water.

•    The first day after the exit from dry fasting, you drink only freshly squeezed transparent juices. Citrus drinks diluted with water are great: orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, and so on. Pomegranate juice is also very useful. It will not harm the susceptible body after abstinence. But what should be avoided is drinks containing starch: beetroot, carrot and banana juices.

Exit from starvation must begin exclusively from the use of juices. Indeed, in the first two days after it, the detoxification process continues. And if you immediately "pounce" on habitual food, abstinence from food and drink will go to waste.

•    On the second day after fasting You can already consume raw vegetables and vegetable juices.

•    Only after these two days do you return to regular thermally processed food.

Dry fasting – An excellent method that in a short period of time cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, eliminates inflammatory processes, mobilizes internal forces, and also rejuvenates.

But temporary abstinence from food and drink must be taken very seriously. After all, if you start fasting without preparation, that is, after eating fatty meat, sweets and fast food and with a dirty intestine, and ending with the same abrupt exit, that is, fried sausage or potatoes, you cannot do without health problems.

Therefore, be sure to follow all the above recommendations, and your body will thank you with impeccable well-being, good health and clear skin.

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