All processes in the body are accompanied by increased work of the circulatory and nervous systems. The vagus nerve, which belongs to the X-pair of cranial nerves, innervates many organs and processes. With excessive excitation of the vagus nerve, functional changes in the cardio – vascular system, which are called gastrocardiac syndrome. This pathology is also called Rehmeld's syndrome. The syndrome develops in people with impaired vegetovascular system.
Why does it occur after eating & nbsp; gastrocardiac syndrome?
Many experts believe that gastrocardiac syndrome develops in people against the background of atherosclerotic changes. They attribute this to the "steal" phenomenon. coronary circulation when the stomach is overfilled with food masses.
When food enters the stomach, mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors react with increased sensitivity to this process. These receptors are located in the lower parts of the esophagus, in the stomach and the initial sections of the intestine. The susceptibility of the receptors leads to overexcitation of the vagus nerve, and the gastrocardiac syndrome develops.
People who are overweight and have a labile nervous system are more sensitive to overexcitation of the vagus nerve. Also, gastrocardial syndrome develops against the background of gastric ulcer, hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, neoplasms of the esophagus and cardiac opening of the stomach.
Characteristic symptoms of the development of gastrocardiac syndrome
An attack of gastrocardiac syndrome develops after a meal. The patient feels a change in heart rate, heart rhythm disturbance, pain in the heart area. Pain in the heart can be of a different nature – burning, aching, pressing, sometimes becoming intense, which resembles an attack of angina pectoris and often causes fear of death. An attack of such pain can last several hours. Patients can clearly articulate the localization of pain - on the left behind the sternum, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, pain that does not radiate anywhere.
An attack of gastrocardiac syndrome is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, pallor, cold sweat on the skin and dizziness. A characteristic sign of the syndrome is the disappearance of symptoms after vomiting, which the patient provokes on his own, or the symptoms disappear after prolonged belching of air.
What is the diagnosis of gastrocardiac syndrome?
Basically, the diagnosis of gastrocardiac syndrome is based on the exclusion of cardiac pathology and other diseases of the mediastinum. For this purpose, patients undergo an ECG, and it usually does not show signs of myocardial ischemia. To exclude a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and contrast radiography are performed. These research methods will exclude the pathology of the liver and pancreas.
To diagnose gastrocardiac syndrome, endoscopic examination is strictly prohibited, since irritation of the receptor zones of the esophagus and stomach leads to excessive excitation of the vagus nerve, and cardiac arrest is possible. In order to diagnose peptic ulcer, such patients are given a breath urease test.
Diet – best treatment for gastrocardiac syndrome
Therapy of this pathology consists in proper fractional nutrition and psychotherapy. Meals should be in small portions, avoiding overeating. It is important to limit the use of harsh chemical products and products that lead to excessive gas formation. If overweight is present, its normalization is recommended.
Antispasmodics are recommended before meals. In the absence of organic pathology, psychotherapy is carried out, which is the most effective method of treatment. Drug treatment of gastrocardiac syndrome consists in the use of sedatives and sedatives.
If the medical treatment of organic pathology is ineffective, surgical treatment is performed, which is aimed at suturing the hernial orifice, fixing the stomach and strengthening the esophago-phrenic ligament.
Such symptoms should not be ignored, because pain in the heart after eating for the first time does not always indicate gastrocardiac syndrome.
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