8 интересных фактов о зрении человека

Human Eye — incredibly complex and perfect optical device, & nbsp; a kind of tool, thanks to which about 90% of all information about the world around us enters the brain. Scientists say that in just a second, your eye, driven by special, "fast" muscles, makes about 120 oscillations, even if you are sure that your gaze is still focused on one object. & nbsp; Together with estet-portal.com we invite you to find out some of the most interesting facts about the work of our organ of vision.

Eye training — best prevention of myopia

We are all incredibly different, have different heights, weights and builds. However, scientists argue that despite external differences, the eyes of the entire adult population of the Earth have approximately the same mass, which is about 7 — 8 g. Even more striking is the fact that the size (diameter) of the eyes is also the same for everyone and is equal to 24 mm.

Deviations — up or down — may be only fractions of a millimeter. However, they are also incredibly important: if the size exceeds the "established standard", the person suffers from myopia, otherwise the ophthalmologist diagnoses hyperopia. Really, size matters!

We all know perfectly well that if you constantly, from childhood, look at objects located nearby for a long time, you can provoke the development of myopia, which is considered almost "mandatory" attribute of a city dweller. It is in cities that our horizon is limited by various objects and we do not have a special need to look into the distance — it is much more important to look under your feet or around.

Residents of rural areas more often have the opportunity to survey open spaces, focus their eyes on distant objects, train their eyesight by shifting their gaze from distant objects to near ones. Such an exercise is very useful for the prevention of myopia.

Strengthening vision according to the method of Indian yogis

Are you familiar with yoga for the eyes? Meanwhile, Indian yogis are convinced that the healing light of the sun, moon and stars — excellent medicine that can improve eyesight. According to them, exposure to sunlight helps speed up blood flow and even cope with infections. Of course, you should not look at the sun at noon. However, what prevents you from enjoying sunrises and sunsets, admiring the moon or studying the constellations? In addition, even scientists claim that this is not only excellent gymnastics for the eyes, but also a great way to restore peace of mind, to feel the beauty and harmony of the universe.

How we perceive visual information

To use modern technical terminology, we can say that the eyes in our body are assigned the role of a reading device. The received visual information is processed by the corresponding part of the brain. Of course, in reality, many complex processes take place in the brain. One of the types of such processing — restoration of the inverted image that enters our visual analyzer. To confirm this fact, the scientists suggested that the subject wear special glasses for some time, which turned the image over, & nbsp; put it "upside down".  However, after some time, the brain adapted and the person began to see a normal, and not inverted "upside down" image of surrounding objects.

The most incredible cause of visual impairment

My default image

This may seem unbelievable and even goes against our understanding of the factors that lead to visual impairment.  Scientists claim that even our attitude to the surrounding reality can cause a decrease in visual acuity! The fact that we begin to see worse can be caused, among other things, by a stubborn unwillingness to put up with something in our life. We simply do not want to see what we categorically do not like. Who knows, maybe it is this relationship that explains the phenomenon when elderly and very wise people, who have learned to live in harmony with themselves and the whole world, boast excellent eyesight and do not even use reading glasses?

A little bit about night blindness and color blindness

Do you know why some people are "night blind" — decreased visual acuity in dim light? This pathology is caused by dysfunction of the sticks — photosensitive receptors, thanks to which we can see even in the absence of light. Another kind of receptors — cones — help to distinguish colors, or rather, to differentiate light radiation with different frequencies. A hereditary pathology in which a person does not distinguish all colors is called color blindness — in honor of the physicist John Dalton, who first described this phenomenon (which he knew from his own experience). Colorblindness — a fairly rare phenomenon, in addition, scientists say that women are practically not found among color-blind people.

Scientists say: eye transplant is unfortunately impossible

Modern medicine surprises us every day with new achievements - it is already difficult to surprise anyone with donor organ transplantation. Eye surgery also boasts amazing achievements. Ophthalmologists have learned to transplant the cornea, sclera, people restore the ability to see, thanks to the artificial lenses that have taken root in them. But a complete eye transplant has not happened yet.

The connection between the eyeball and the brain is carried out through the optic nerve, which scientists have not yet learned how to restore. And because, no matter what happens, we look at the world exclusively with our own eyes — in the truest sense.

The individuality of the iris — new way of personal identification

The fact that the color of the iris is due to heredity and depends on the amount of melanin has long been known to every schoolchild. But did you know that her whimsical pattern is no less individual than the papillary patterns of our fingers? This pattern allows you to identify the identity of a person if you use a special scanner. Agree, it is much more convenient to ask a person to just look into the lens than to take his fingerprints. The iris recognition technology is already being used by the customs services of some countries, however, obviously, this feature of our eyes will also find wider application.

"And the eye is like an eagle's!"

Alas, we are far from a proud bird, because a person's vision is much weaker than an eagle's, even if it corresponds to the norm. Alas, in the world a huge number of people suffer from various pathologies of the organs of vision, and about 39 million people are completely deprived of the opportunity to see. Scientists claim that among the most dangerous diseases leading to blindness — age-related cataract, glaucoma, advanced stages of diabetes.

The achievements of modern ophthalmology allow to cope with many problems, in addition, glasses or contact lenses are used to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. However, in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination by a specialist in a timely manner.

Vision — not just one of the five senses, with the help of it we get the maximum information we need. Our eyes — an example of a perfect optical device given to us by nature. More interesting information on the treatment and prevention of eye diseases can be found on the website estet-portal.com.

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