Stress quietly sneaks into our lives and negatively affects mood, thoughts, performance, relationships and, of course, the state of the body as a whole. When we encounter a potential threat, the hypothalamus triggers a kind of alarm. In response to a combination of nerve and hormonal signals, the adrenal glands begin to produce the chemicals adrenaline and cortisol, also known as stress hormones. Cortisol helps the body by inhibiting the digestive, reproductive, and growth processes—functions not needed for the fight-or-flight response. However, in some cases the situation is radically different.

Why is it so important to keep stress hormones under control? (H2)

The body's response to stress tends to subside once the threat that caused it has passed. The person calms down, and all body functions return to normal. However, with the constant presence of stressors, the fight or flight response does not disappear, and stress hormones interfere with the normal course of many processes in the body, resulting in digestive problems, weight gain, depression, decreased concentration, problems with sleep, heart disease, etc.

That is why it is important for every person to find a way to relieve stress so that the negative that it brings into our lives can be neutralized. However, many choose yoga for this purpose, which offers relaxation techniques to clear the mind and body.

Yoga poses to help the body resist stress hormones (H2)

Of course, yoga is not the only way to deal with stress. However, its effectiveness has been confirmed by many lovers of relaxation and at the same time benefiting the body, including with constant exposure to stress hormones.

1. Child's pose


• get down on the mat;
• sit on your heels, keep your feet together;
• lean forward until your chest touches your hips and your forehead touches the floor;
• bend your shoulders forward;
• put your hands on the floor (palms up) near your feet;
• Relax for 5 breaths.

2. Bridge Pose


• lie on your back;
• keep your feet hip-width apart;
• rest your feet on the floor;
• bend your knees;
• inhale;
• arch your back and lift your hips up;
• Rest your arms and shoulders on the floor to raise your chest, legs to raise your hips;
• After 4-8 breaths, slowly lower yourself down.

3. Tilt to the feet


• from PI standing on the exhale bend your legs so that you can fully place your palms on the floor;
• Press your head to your knees;
• slowly straighten your legs (if possible);
• 4-8 breaths hold at the end point;
• inhale and slowly rise to the PI.

4. Feet on the wall


• sit against the wall;
• lie on your back, raising your legs and resting them against the wall;
• buttocks should be pressed as close to the wall as possible;
• Breathing evenly, remain in the pose for a couple of minutes.

5. Cat Pose


• start with the PI on all fours;
• exhale and draw in the stomach;
• round your back;
• lower your head;
• linger for a couple of breaths;
• drop into PI.

6. Eagle Pose


• standing, bend your legs and balance on your right leg;
• Place your left thigh on your right, and your left foot on your right ankle;
• balance for one inhalation-exhalation;
• straighten your arms in front of you and bring your left hand under your right;
• interlace your arms bent at the elbows, pressing your palms together;
• after 1 minute, slowly spread your arms and return to the PI;
• repeat on the other side.

7. Head on knee


• Sit on the mat with your legs straight;
• bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot against the inside of the right thigh;
• place both hands on the right leg;
• inhale, turning towards the outstretched leg;
• exhale;
• lean forward;
• linger at the end point for 5 breaths;
• repeat on the other side.

8. Extended Triangle Pose


• while standing, exhale;
• spread your legs wide and spread your arms at shoulder height with palms down;
• turn the right foot 90 degrees, the left foot towards the right;
• tensing the thigh muscles, turn the right thigh outward;
• lean towards your right leg;
• turn the body to the left and slightly move the left thigh forward;
• hold your right hand at the ankles, raise your left hand up;
• Keep your head straight or turn slightly to the left;
• Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

In the fight against stress and stress hormones, yoga has proven itself well for a long time, so there is no doubt about the effectiveness of this method. However, do not forget about precautions - if you have problems with your back, legs, arms or other parts, organs and systems of the body, not all yoga poses can be performed. Please consult your doctor or professional trainer for possible contraindications.

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