Белок молодости: коллаген на страже красоты и здоровья

For centuries, Chinese women have considered collagen — a protein that binds the tissues of fish and animals — as a fountain of youth by regularly consuming foods such as pig feet, shark fins and donkey skin in the hope of prolonging youth.

In the United States, collagen became best known in the 1980s as an expensive injectable filler for lip enhancement and wrinkle reduction. But it's only in recent years, as companies have come up with more appetizing ways to take it (including fruit gummies, vanilla-flavored coffee creamers, disposable sachets, and easy-to-swallow capsules), that dietary collagen has begun to catch on.

  • What is collagen and what is it for
  • How well does collagen work and how safe is it
  • Contraindications for Collagen
  • What products contain collagen
  • What is collagen and what is it for

Instagram ads from celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian (who starts her day with a hot collagen drink) didn't hurt. And with the small but growing body of evidence that it can improve skin, relieve arthritis symptoms, promote wound healing, and prevent muscle wasting, former medical skeptics are also starting to consume collagen.

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In the United States alone, consumers spend $293 million on collagen supplements in 2020, according to the Nutrition Business Journal. Globally, as collagen is used in food and beverages, topical applications, and even operating rooms, the market is projected to reach $6.5 billion

by 2025.

How well does collagen work and how safe is it

"This is definitely one of the top 3 products I've been asked about and I think it's really promising in some different areas of medicine," — says Mark Moyad, MD, director of the complementary and alternative medicine program at the University of Michigan Medical Center. "It's also one of the wackiest and most controversial."

Collagen is often referred to as the framework of the body.

"This is the glue that holds the body together", — says New York City dermatologist Whitney Bowie, author of The Beauty of Dirty Skin: The Amazing Science of Looking and Feeling Radiant from Within.

She says that collagen makes up about 75% of your skin's dry weight, providing volume that keeps skin firm and prevents wrinkles. It is also rich in the amino acids proline and glycine, which are essential for the maintenance and repair of tendons, bones and joints.


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"As we get older, we break it down faster than we can replace it," — she says, noting that we start losing about 1% of our collagen per year in our mid-20s and lose up to 30% during our first year of life. 5 years of menopause.

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Instagram! One 2014 study of 69 women aged 35 to 55 found that those who took 2.5 or 5 grams of collagen daily for 8 weeks had significantly improved skin elasticity compared to those who took it. did not accept.

Another study found that women who took 1 gram of collagen per day for 12 weeks had 76% less dryness, 12% less visible wrinkles, better skin blood flow, and 6% more collagen.

A 2019 review of eight studies involving 805 patients concluded that "preliminary results are promising for short- and long-term use of oral collagen supplements for wound healing and skin aging."


As a source of protein, collagen is an excellent product

As a protein source, collagen is an excellent source because it contains more protein per calorie than other sources, but it contains less sodium and sugar. And Moyad finds intriguing evidence that it can improve body composition, joint health, and healing rates.

One recent study of 53 older men with sarcopenia, a muscle loss caused by aging, found that those who took 15 grams of collagen daily, in addition to lifting weights three times a week for 3 months, gained significantly more muscle and lost more fat than those who only lifted weights.

Collagen has also been shown to act as a powerful wound healing agent, able to stop bleeding, recruit immune and skin cells, and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels.

One study of 89 long-term care patients with pressure ulcers found that those who took collagen supplements three times a day for 8 weeks had their wounds heal twice as fast. Another of eight patients who had a small surgical skin biopsy found that daily topical collagen healed their wounds at least as well as sutures.

Several studies have also shown that collagen supplements help with sports-related arthritis and joint pain. If this advantage shows up in a large, long-term clinical trial, Moyad says it could be a game changer.

Contraindications for the use of collagen  High-quality collagen in its pure form cannot cause side effects, but due to individual intolerance, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. Any foreign protein can put a heavy burden on the gastrointestinal tract and immune system if the daily

admissible dosages are not adhered to.

What products contain collagen  Collagen is produced in small amounts in our body, therefore it is extremely important to constantly replenish its reserves from various external sources. At home, the easiest way to get collagen – from food. The diet should be varied so that the body receives all three types of collagen.


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Foods containing collagen:

bone broth – the most delicious and effective way to increase the level of collagen in the body;

fish and meat – it's any meat products, except semi-finished products, also a large amount of collagen is found in red fish – trout, salmon, tuna;
  • jelly – protein is synthesized in the body through gelatin;
  • dairy – high protein content;
  • chicken eggs;
  • products containing sulfur – olives, celery, onions, onions, legumes, nuts;
  • vegetables & fruits – red fruits (carrots, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes);
  • tea.
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