Lactic acid is released into the muscles when they run out of energy, but there is still a need for such energy. Small amounts of lactic acid serve as a temporary source of energy, so you can avoid fatigue during your workout. However, the accumulation of lactic acid during exercise can cause a burning sensation in the muscles, which significantly reduces the desire to continue exercising. Therefore, it is necessary to think about preventing the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. will tell you how to do it.

Lactic acid in muscles – understand the nuances

  1. Lactic acid does not cause muscle pain after exercise

Lactic acid is often mistakenly considered the cause of sore muscles after exercise, which causes discomfort for 1 – 3 days after intensive training. However, lactic acid in the muscles (which serves as a source of energy during intense physical activity) is itself eliminated within about an hour after the end of training, so muscle pain after training is not due to the presence of lactic acid.

Delayed Muscle Soreness Syndrome (DOMS) – the result of damage to muscle cells during intense training. Such damage leads to inflammation, swelling and tenderness during muscle recovery.

To relieve muscle soreness after a workout, you need to warm up properly before starting it. This will help activate the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming physical activity. It is also important not to exceed your physical limit, but to increase the intensity of your workout gradually.


  1. Lactic acid causes a burning sensation in the muscles during exercise

On the other hand, the accumulation of lactic acid causes burning in the muscles during exercise.

The body normally uses oxygen to generate energy. However, if you work hard during your workout, energy should be produced faster than the body can produce it aerobically. Therefore, the body has to resort to anaerobic methods of energy production, since they allow you to get energy faster. The process of anaerobic energy production can last up to three minutes. At this time, the levels of lactic acid in the muscles begin to rise rapidly, which causes burning in the muscles during intense training.

After three minutes, lactic acid begins to "slow down" muscles, warning the body that it has approached its physical limit. Thus, this process can be called a defense mechanism that protects you from injury and fatigue.

Despite the need for lactic acid and its benefits to the body in certain circumstances, it is still necessary to prevent a rapid increase in the level of lactic acid in the muscles. Otherwise, you will experience discomfort during training and will not be able to work at full strength.

Reducing lactic acid levels during exercise

  1. Drink enough water.

Lactic acid dissolves in water, so a large amount of water will reduce the likelihood of muscle burning during exercise and accumulation of lactic acid.

Thirst – a sure sign of lack of water in the body. Therefore, when a feeling of thirst arises, it is necessary to satisfy the body's need for water. It's worth mentioning that despite all the advice on how much water to drink during a workout, it may not be universal for all people. The most reliable indicator of lack of fluid in the body for any person – thirst. Listen to her.

  1. Breathe deeply.

The burning sensation in the muscles can be caused not only by the accumulation of lactic acid, but also by the lack of oxygen. Therefore, deep, even breathing is a must for any type of workout. It is recommended to inhale through the nose, and exhale – through the mouth. This will help oxygenate your muscles and prevent lactic acid buildup.

  1. Be active.

The better your fitness, the less glucose your body will need to burn, and the less lactic acid will build up in your muscles. Try to train several times a week, but do not forget that a couple of days of rest are necessary for your muscles to recover.

Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually. Develop a training plan that will provide for a smooth increase in the load – so you can raise the limit point, after reaching which your body begins to produce lactic acid.

  1. Be careful with the weight.

Remember that your body needs more oxygen than usual to lift weight. Therefore, gradualness in this case – ground rule.

  1. If you start to feel a burning sensation in your muscles, reduce the intensity of your workout

Burning sensation in the muscles – a sign that the body's defense mechanism is trying to prevent overload. If you feel a burning sensation, slow down your running speed, slow down the weight you lift, and try to even out your breathing.

  1. Stretching after your workout

Since lactic acid dissolves within 30 – 60 minutes after your workout, stretching will help reduce the associated discomfort. A gentle massage of the muscles with your fingertips will also help.

Reducing lactic acid levels through nutrition

  1. Magnesium is essential for proper energy production in the body, including during exercise. To get enough magnesium, you need to eat:
  • leaf beets;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • legumes;
  • pumpkin, sunflower, sesame seeds &  etc 
  1. Fatty acids help the body break down glucose for energy. Products containing fatty acids:
  • salmon;
  • tuna;
  • nuts;
  • flax seeds;
  • corn, sunflower and soybean oil, etc.
  1. Vitamin B helps transport glucose around the body, which helps to "refuel" blood. muscles during exercise, reducing the need for lactic acid production. Rich in vitamin B:
  • leafy greens;
  • porridge;
  • beans;
  • fish;
  • beef;
  • poultry meat;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products.
  1. Baking soda diluted in water helps to neutralize lactic acid in the muscles. This will help you to exercise more and more intensely without feeling a burning sensation in your muscles for quite some time.

Take 0.3 g of baking soda for every kilogram of body weight and dilute it in 350 ml of cold water. Lemon juice can be added for taste.

That's it! wishes you painless and most beneficial workouts for the health and beauty of your body!

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