In winter, there are few seasonal fruits and berries that enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, microelements. Amino acids in fruits are indispensable for the full functioning of the body. How useful is pomegranate for the body? Each component of this fruit can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems. Pomegranate – this is an apple of paradise.

There is an assumption that it was the pomegranate that Eve tempted and sinned with this. There is no certainty among the scientific world, garnet – Is it a berry or is it a fruit? The statement is undeniable: in winter, it is useful to use pomegranate for treatment and prevention.

What is pomegranate useful for: seeds, juice, peel

Only the pomegranate fruit contains 15 amino acids that are vital for human health. This amount is only found in meat, it cannot be said that meat and pomegranate are interchangeable, but as an addition they are great for each other. The richness of trace elements is inherent in pomegranate, these are magnesium, iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, as well as copper, manganese (important in fermentation), chromium and phosphorus. The vitamin boom in pomegranate makes it a versatile (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, P) fruit.

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Pomegranate is also useful: it has an antibacterial effect, diuretic and astringent (pits and peel). The heart receives the necessary nutrients along with the pomegranate, helps to improve blood circulation. Daily intake of pomegranate juice raises the level of hemoglobin and anemia will recede. The sugar level is normalized, diluted pomegranate juice is shown for diabetics.

Studies show that the constant use of pomegranate in food slows down the aging process of cells, has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the skin, and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

What are the benefits of pomegranate for women

The female body finds salvation in a pomegranate with PMS, pomegranate anesthetizes and relieves spasms. In Cyprus, it is believed that the pomegranate tree was first planted by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, so this fruit (or berry) has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and hair. The presence of ellagitannin in the pomegranate helps the female body fight breast cancer.

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To whiten the skin, remove freckles, pomegranate juice is used, and oily hair is also rinsed with juice to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Juice has a great effect on improving vision, especially in the dark, increases the photosensitivity of rhodopsin – pigment, which is responsible for the perception of the image. 

The pomegranate seed has more seed than the juicy flesh, so not everyone likes to eat it. But, it is worth paying attention that not only juice brings benefits, but also a bone that can quench a headache, improves hormonal levels. The seeds can be used to make pomegranate oil, which is so effective for the skin in cosmetics.

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What is useful pomegranate for expectant mothers

Unthinking pomegranate consumption during pregnancy can lead to allergies, so it's a good idea to start small and slowly add to your diet. Often during gestation, hemoglobin drops and blood circulation slows down, to prevent such a reaction, use pomegranate, it is especially useful in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Pomegranate due to its diuretic action will relieve heaviness and swelling of the legs. Pomegranate contributes to the production of the hormone of labor in the female body – oxytocin, which is essential for a favorable birth. Therefore, the use of pomegranate in the third and fourth trimester should be increased, but not overdone.

Important: the harmful effect of the pomegranate

What is the use of grenades, we figured out, it remains to understand what the danger is. Pomegranate contains too much acid, which is why it is recommended to dilute the juice by half with water or other juice (carrot or beetroot). Too much acid can damage the thin and delicate layers of the stomach. People with gastrointestinal problems, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers should not consume pomegranate juice.

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Also, for those people who suffer from constant constipation and hemorrhoids, it is not recommended to use pomegranate seeds, they have a strong astringent effect. Pomegranate should not be consumed by children with asthma and those who suffer from persistent allergic reactions. Be careful.

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