Miliaria is a specific form of dermatitis that develops under certain conditions. You can learn more about the causes and symptoms of prickly heat in our previous article. The appearance of a rash with miliaria causes few difficulties in the diagnosis, but here is how to get rid of the symptoms and prevent the reappearance of – not everyone knows. If prickly heat is detected in a child of any age, do not wrap him in too warm blankets at any time of the year. It is important to provide access to fresh air to the skin, and strict personal hygiene is also necessary. In this article, we will consider the basic principles of treatment of prickly heat.

Basic principles of symptomatic treatment of prickly heat

If rashes and prickly heat develop, it is important to avoid wearing tight or synthetic clothing, as well as excessive use of soap during hygiene procedures. What foods should be included in the diet in the treatment of prickly heat, read further on Rashes are recommended to be treated with a decoction of herbs with string, chamomile and oak bark or wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of herbs. In the area of ​​natural folds, powders are effective – baneocin, potato starch or talc. Skin infection is an indication for the use of certain drugs. zinc oxide emulsion;
• drugs that relieve redness and itching;

Main aspects of the symptomatic treatment of prickly heat

In order to reduce itching in adults, ointments with betamethasone are prescribed topically for 3 days, as well as preparations containing menthol and camphor. Antihistamines are also recommended. With the development of pyoderma, the use of antibacterial agents is indicated.

When treating prickly heat, it is important to avoid the use of any greasy creams, lotions and oils that only aggravate the situation. If prickly heat is provoked to a greater extent by severe sweating, a doctor's consultation and treatment of hyperhidrosis is necessary.

In the treatment of prickly heat, it is important to follow a diet that should include as much as possible lentils, plums, sorrel,

pomegranate juice
, as well as a decoction of tricolor flowers and leaves. An effective folk remedy for drying the elements of the rash – soaping the skin with laundry soap, which allows you to get, in addition to the drying effect, also cleansing. Irrigation of the skin with soda solution has the same effect.

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To prevent and treat prickly heat, it is important to follow the rules of prevention.

Clothes must be made of natural fabrics, loosely fitting the figure. In hot climates and high humidity, wet clothes should be changed regularly for clean and dry ones.

In the hot season, try to avoid intense physical activity, it is recommended to get rid of excess weight, if possible, which increases the risk of developing this form of dermatitis. Air the room daily, take water procedures 2 times a day, and stay under the sun should be limited, as the sun's rays narrow the pores. By following simple rules, you can avoid the development of prickly heat, unpleasant symptoms and treatment of prickly heat.

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